Everything is possible

When it comes to goals, the word ‘impossible’ has thrived higher than our dreams. It’s human to have threats and challenges. These make us lose hope. At times, we are surrounded by negative people who only show us our failures than abilities.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When it comes to goals, the word ‘impossible’ has thrived higher than our dreams. It’s human to have threats and challenges. These make us lose hope. At times, we are surrounded by negative people who only show us our failures than abilities.

People with disabilities find this hardest. So the best they do is complain about why they have no legs or hands like others. Meanwhile, some smart kids out there have made it regardless of their weaknesses and disabilities.

This is the story of Jessica Cox who was born without arms in Tocson, Arizona, USA. Disappointed, little did her parents know that Jessica would be successful in life.

Now 25, Jesicca recently got a spot pilot certificate and became the first pilot licensed to fly using only her feet.

Jessica was always mocked by other kids with no disabilities instead she was encouraged to challenge them by doing better.

Today she is a good pilot and she is far better than some pilots with both hands. She earned her pilot certificate in late, 2008 after training with Able Flight in North Carolina.

From birth, Jessica’s feet became her hands. She can drive a car, types 25 words on a computer in a minute, she has a degree in psychology and can fly an airplane using her feet without any special adaptations! 

Wow, then what’s impossible! We should always use our weaknesses to achieve our goals. This way, we can overcome our challenges and at the same time help others succeed through following our footsteps. If others can, why can’t we?
