Illegal liquor worth Rwf11.4m destroyed

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Police and Nyagatare District authorities last week destroyed illegal local brew worth over Rwf11m.

Monday, May 11, 2009


NYAGATARE — Police and Nyagatare District authorities last week destroyed illegal local brew worth over Rwf11m.

The liquor included 502 cartons of chief waragi worth about Rwf11.43 m and 90 litres of local gin commonly called Kanyanga worth over Rwf.130,000.

Police sources say the items were impounded while being smuggled from Uganda. A driver identified as Steven Gasana was intercepted while transporting 37cartons of chief waragi and three jerry cans of Kanyanga.

While destroying the liquor in Matimba Sector, the Acting Regional Police Commander (RPC) Supt Claude Kajeguhakwawa  cautioned residents against drug abuse.

"Dependency on drugs is actually a deterent to development.Thus those implicated cannot be able to develop their country,” he said.

He disclosed that 18 people have been detained at Nyagatre Police Post in connection with drug trafficking. In the same light  a land cruiser registration number RAB653 K has  also been impounded.

Consequently  the driver of this vehicle has been ordered to pay fine of Rwf.570,380 by Rwanda Revenue Authority for smuggling. 

Kajeguhakwawa hailed residents for their cooperation in fighting drug abuse saying, "All the success registered so far is a result of cooperation from the residents, through community policing efforts.”

Mayor Robert Kashemeza, reaffirmed the district’s commitment to curbing drug trafficking.

"Most of the drugs come from Uganda; they easily cross some of the porous borders as  there are no natural barriers like lakes. But we have started carrying out night and day patrols. We shall also enforce  fines to those caught as a deterrent measure,” he said.
