400 residents join RPF

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU— 465 residents of Rugerero Sector in Rubavu District have joined the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF).

Sunday, May 10, 2009


RUBAVU— 465 residents of Rugerero Sector in Rubavu District have joined the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF).

Receiving the new members recently, residents praised the government for the current security situation which has helped them embark on poverty eradication initiatives.

"I’m not joining the party by force. It’s my personal decision after analysing what the party has done for Rwandans. Rugerero was a very unsafe due to Interahamwe infiltration before and even after they crossed to the DRC. But we now have security established and by extension peace,” Jean de Dieu Musabyeyezu, one of the new members said.

Musabyeyezu, recalled the time the Western Province experienced insecurity due to Interahamwe insurgency.

"Many people died in ambushes mounted by the Interahamwe. I remember the fear we developed after they had burned BRALIRWA workers who were aboard the company’s buses heading to work,” he recalled.

Jean Nikobatuye, the sector RPF president, said that party officials had played a big role in sensitising residents on various government policies which led to the new  members joining the party.

"We shall continue sensitising all residents including non RPF members about government policies to ensure development and improved welfare. We shall focus on heath insurances, family planning, joining cooperatives, education, and modern agricultural practices,” he added.

Nikobatuye, called upon residents to guard the existing gains registered by the country made possible through RPF’s programs by reporting suspicious cases to police. 

"There should be maximum cooperation and information sharing between residents, community policing committees and the police to ensure the current security levels is maintained,” he added.
