Editorial: Hugs, hugs, hugs

Yeah, here at SundayMag are greeting you with a hug! Like friends do, right? It’s always good to know that every time we go out there to get you your Mag’s content, you always receive what we bring with a smile.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yeah, here at SundayMag are greeting you with a hug! Like friends do, right? It’s always good to know that every time we go out there to get you your Mag’s content, you always receive what we bring with a smile.

Talking about hugs…do you know today is Mother’s Day? For all those fortunate to still have their mothers, please, give them a hug! For those unfortunate not to be having their mothers with them, cherish the good memories.

There is no better way to show our love and respect to our mothers than aspiring to be the best. Let’s always seek their advice, let’s keep them in our lives, let’s not shut them off the moment we feel they are being overly protective.

It’s natural for a mother to be protective. It’s natural for them to hope to see us succeed in all we do. Let’s give them those regular phone calls and even an occasional old fashioned letter. Let’s also read the SundayMag to them.

Share the Hater’s hate, Diaspoman’s tales, a bit of the Bird Hunter (might rekindle those special memories when they were..er..yes..)…yeah, share the good times with the mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day.
