Vox Pop: Revised foreign players’ quota rule sparks mixed reactions
Friday, September 06, 2024
Alodie Kayitesi.

The Rwanda Football Federation (FERWAFA)’s recent decision to revise the foreign players’ quota rule has sparked divided reactions among various players in the local football fraternity.

The amended quota rule allows clubs to include 10 foreign players on their matchday team sheet by ensuring that the number does not exceed six on the pitch.

While clubs welcomed the flexibility, others question the long-term impact on local talent development.

Below is what some, who spoke to Weekend Sport, had to say:

John Nshimiyimana, a football enthusiast

I think this decision benefits clubs financially because it lets them bring in more international players.

But, we also have to be careful. If foreign players take over the pitch, how will our young Rwandan talents get the chance to shine?

Alodie Kayitesi, Rayon Sports WFC player

Allowing more foreign players will raise the competitiveness of the league. But I also understand coach [Frank] Spittler’s point—if we keep bringing in lower-level foreigners, it might not help our local players grow. Maybe a balance is needed.

Eric Musoni, APR FC supporter

Clubs have invested a lot in signing foreign players. The six-player limit on the pitch is restrictive. This amendment gives us more breathing room and, in the long run, it could improve the quality of the league league.

Eric Habimana, Bright Talent Academy coach/founder

I agree with coach Spittler. Rwandan football needs to focus on homegrown talent. Why should we bring in more foreign players when we have potential right here?

With different views emerging, it’s clear the debate over FERWAFA’s foreign players quota is far from over.

Many are left wondering whether the increased number will boost the league’s status or stifle local talent.