The 3 Hs of recruiting staff

Every business, at some point in time, will have to recruit new staff. A vacancy may arise as a result of someone leaving a post - possibly moving on to a new job or because they are retiring, amongst other reasons. Vacancies may also arise because of the expansion of the business, with new posts created to meet the needs of the expansion.  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Every business, at some point in time, will have to recruit new staff. A vacancy may arise as a result of someone leaving a post - possibly moving on to a new job or because they are retiring, amongst other reasons. Vacancies may also arise because of the expansion of the business, with new posts created to meet the needs of the expansion.  

One thing that must be considered when looking at recruitment is that it can be a costly operation. The planning, processing and selection process takes up many hours of time and resources and it is not something that many businesses approach lightly.

In addition, it is vital that the business gets the right person for the job; making the right choice is essential. This issue made more sense when it was my turn on the panel, so nervously looking for the right person to conscript in my company.

There has been a time when we all prepare for jobs, either white collar or medium traditional jobs, it all comes down to the fact that we organize and make sure we get it all right.

Like many others, I used to attach an application letter, curriculum vitae (CV), and a photo if it’s a TV job, then wait to be called upon for an interview.

This is the thrilling part because it easy to have papers, obtain a heavy and juicy CV or present a good application letter, but hard to face a panel of interviewers, unless you are going to do what you love to do.

It’s not easy to start a company or sustain a business but when it is done, it must be because the investor got the right staff, but not on his solely effort.

Any way an employer ought to decide what format the interview should take, when he decides to take on a few people rating from the paper specifications they send in as the company requested through any outlet they got to learn about the job vacancy.

It could be - formal, informal, sample work, presentations, etc. It is good practice to have more than one person, and preferably an odd number, carrying out the interview process.

Before the interviews take place there is need to be clear how the final decision will be made for example does the decision have to be unanimous? Also make sure that members of the interview panel receive the relevant training.

"Behind a great company, there is a great workforce”, Mrs. Kerstin Smith, a Recruitment Firm Manager in UK said on her visits in Uganda.

In one of her seminars, she taught about the basic reviews of one’s business (either one already in operation or a new business), but the most interesting part was the one on how to recruit staff and what to consider as the blue print to the right person for my growing company.

I listened carefully and drew the following conclusions for the best people to take on:

• Head (do they have the knowledge): For humans, the head and particularly the face are the main distinguishing feature between different people, due to their easily discernible features such as hair and eye color, nose, eye and mouth shapes etc.

The same applies to knowledge, as one can tell who knows what and how much? Is it any way of great benefit to our company?

Many people who go for jobs have papers either for degree, diploma or even masters, so they seem to have the knowledge about certain things they do at the university.

Much as it’s all theoretical, the practical and experimental bit comes in when one gets in to the industry of specialty and division of labour.

However, knowing is not enough but understanding it is of great deal when explaining or when appeasing the congregation.

The knowledge doesn’t rotate around university out put but also the knowledge about the company one is intending to work with is quite imperative. Therefore, with out this attribute, there is no way why a company should hire a particular person in their organization.  

• Hands (do they have the ability to apply the knowledge): Sadly today, universities are concentrating on the theoretical part and ignoring the practical ingredient, yet it is the most important one.

Any one can go to school, every one can sit in a lecture theatre, and it’s also easy to excel, but the extra ordinary aspect of the best suitor for the job is being able to apply the knowledge known.

If an individual can’t fulfill this principle, then they might end up visiting their books every time an issue crops up in office. An employer wouldn’t want to lug behind in such a manner, so try and recruit that person that can apply the knowledge they know in a fairly practical manner.

• Heart (do they have a passion for what they want to do or is it just a job?): Today, especially in the African families, parents tend to influence and dictate their children’s education or profession.

This could be because the parent wants the daughter or son to live in his past failure (by doing what he failed to do in his her time) or because he has always had a dream to have a professional of that particular career in his family so nothing can stop him.

Can one have a passion for such a job? A friend of mine did a course at university out of obligation to the father’s demand, but after the three years on campus, he was supposed to go to the field and try out what he had leant, and it was harder than the three years, just because his passion was in journalism.

So over and over again, the father hooked him for jobs in the banking sector but he often failed him self until he went back home to write some stories and sent them to the press outlets.

He kept on failing until one day when he cried to the father, pleading with him to fulfil his passion and when he did; he has the best career attachment today because it gives him peace. It’s not about doing the job; it’s about loving the job.

The employer decides who to bring on board, and the result of the company will entirely depend on who is employed. Employ right and expect best!!!
