Some things are better left unsaid

A friend of mine amused me with his story. For him, it is okay to tell everybody whatever comes to his mind. He is not shy to say what he did with his girlfriend at the park. All the details. He will even tell you what he thinks of you. I do not really like this character at all and I know there are many more people who hate my friend.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A friend of mine amused me with his story. For him, it is okay to tell everybody whatever comes to his mind. He is not shy to say what he did with his girlfriend at the park. All the details.

He will even tell you what he thinks of you. I do not really like this character at all and I know there are many more people who hate my friend.

Last week, I travelled by bus from Kigali. I am going to tell you that I liked the White guy seated next to me. He seemed to like me too [I have my own man].

I ain’t feeling guilty because I am a Christian and the Bible tells me to love my neighbour as I love myself. In this case, I just liked him; do not think twice about this.

As I went through the magazine I was reading, I came across an advert of a hairdryer. He said to me, "this is the same drier that my wife uses” I cannot say that I was disappointed about his having a wife but how I wish he had not mentioned it to me.

I know you may think that I am selfish but no, sincerely two hours from the city to Huye is not long. He should left his wife out and let me have a wonderful journey. What hurt me much was that he did not seem to realize that he had said what I did not want to hear.

I have mentioned so many times that I am a Christian. But do not start question your self when I tell you what happened to me when one of my long time friends became saved before I did last year.

She stood in front of a whole Christian congregation which included my parents and revealed all the bad things she had done with her friends. Every body was aware of our friendship.

I was so disappointed. She even mentioned that we had jumped over the wall in the middle of the night to go for dancing sprees. My parents were given fits. She even mentioned dad’s gold watch. I could not believe it.

Although I had the worst of times after that, I also received Christ as my personal saviour soon after that. Am now a happy lady.

I have however learnt to keep some things to myself. One time, I thought that telling my grandmother that she was ageing was a sign of respect. I earned myself spanks and from that day, I have learnt not to tell people that they are old.

I heard about a man whose wife could not talk to him for two weeks for mentioning that she had gained weight. Not everybody likes to hear that they have gained weight so look twice at the person you are telling and then STOP.

I thought everybody reading from this column would be happy to get such piece of advice. You now know when not to earn yourself a spank, when not to disappoint your friends, when not to be talked to by the person you love for two weeks, just by letting out things that are better left unsaid. Take care.