Golfer Nsanzuwera wins big at Uganda Open
Thursday, September 05, 2024
Rwandan golfer Celestine Nsanzuwera was awarded the best Professional Award in the 2024 Uganda Open Wednesday, September 4. File

Budding Rwandan golfer Celestine Nsanzuwera was Wednesday, September 4, awarded the best Professional Award in the 2024 Uganda Open.

The youngster stood tall in the professional category as he swooped aside over 100 other golfers to win the accolade.

He was the top ranked player in the top five which also featured Ronald Rugumayo and Silver Opio from Uganda as well as Kenya's Njorege Kibugu and Greg Snow.

The five top ranked golfers will also battle for a place in the 2025 Kenya Magical Open of which all their expenses will be catered for by the competition organisers.

Nsanzuwera, who shot a near-impeccable round of 65 to emerge as the best, had his team comprising of Denis K. Mujuni, Oscar Semweya and Milton Ocen getting 109 points.

He and his brother Aloys Nsabimana are Rwanda's two representatives for the 2024 Uganda Open which is running from August 28 through September 7.