Never Again: Genocide widow’s pleas for decent burial of relatives’ remains unheeded

A widow and survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi has claimed knowledge of a pit latrine where over 20 people’s remains still lay unburied. 

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Domitilla Mukandahiro still hoping to decently burry her lost ones lost in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

A widow and survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi has claimed knowledge of a pit latrine where over 20 people’s remains still lay unburied. 

The widow, Domitilla Nyirandahiro says that the remains which include those of her four children, neighbours and other people who were got from the surrounding areas were thrown there alive. Heavy stones were then thrown at them when in the pit until they died.

Nyirandahiro says that the pit latrine in question is located in Taba sector former Nyarurama in current Nyarugenge District. She said that she watched that horrendous act from her hideout nearby. She said that the perpetrators included Interahamwe militias and other people who included her neighbours.

Nyirandahiro revealed to the SundayMag that despite her constant pleas to the responsible authorities to give a proper burial to the victims’ remains, she has not been given due consideration.

"For a long time I have approached the authorities within my reach like the Executive Secretary of Taba sector in Nyarugenge to forward the issue to the higher authorities such that they can be accorded a decent burial but my efforts have been futile,” lamented Mukandahiro.

She also disclosed that the place where those remains are was a home of a one Paul Gakwaya who was also killed in the Genocide.

This place, according to her, was code-named "CND y’abatutsi” (Parliament of the Tutsi) by the killers during the Genocide.

That’s why they were bringing all Tutsis from other places to be thrown there and killed amidst great mockery. She adds that the pit had been dug by Gakwaya’s family for domestic use.

However, when the killings begun the Interahamwe in the area told the neighbouring Hutus that in that pit is where the Tutsis with the aid of their rebel brothers (Inkotanyi) had prepared to throw Hutu children. They argued that since they had the chance now, they should throw the Tutsi children in there instead.

Mukandahiro together with another widow whom she called Yozefina are the only survivors in that area. She says that every time they try following up the issue they are sabotaged and are often referred to as mad and traumatized.

"This makes other people not to listen to our pleas.”

She also revealed that some time back together with Yozefina and other well wishers attempted to put barbed wires around the pit where the remains are.

They also put a door such that people don’t continue throwing rubbish there but unknown people came at night, broke in and took the door and the poles after which they threw a log into the pit where the remains are.

"Those who killed our people are continuously hurting us by mocking their remains and what is hurting me most is that they have gone away with it….,” she broke down in tears.

"Another thing that hurts me is that ‘CND y’abatutsi’ is not known yet it is where Tutsis around that area were killed in big numbers and in a humiliating manner. I am not asking for much because nothing can bring back what I lost but what I want is to take the responsible authorities to this place such that these people can be given a decent burial and the place given a memorial status with the deserved respect,” Mukandahiro pleaded.

In a recent press conference the Minister of Culture and Sports, Joseph Habineza, declared that there are many other remains of people which are not yet given a decent burial due to the fact that many killers have remained discreet on where they buried the people they killed.

Mukandahiro should not be declared mad or traumatised, let the necessary authorities verify her claims first. Then they can go ahead with the other steps. Otherwise, nothing is more traumatising or maddening than being made the fool when you have the entire truth with you.
