The Hater: I hate people who…

I hate people who… …never have the patience to stay in a queue. Long queues will be found almost everywhere apart from the path to heaven! I often find myself in queues and this has led me to hate some people for their irritating habits.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

I hate people who…

…never have the patience to stay in a queue. Long queues will be found almost everywhere apart from the path to heaven! I often find myself in queues and this has led me to hate some people for their irritating habits.

These guys stay for a short while then get out of the queue and return just before you are almost getting served claiming they had been occupying the space in front of you. How disgusting can some people be? Do they think it is our duty to wait on their behalf while they enjoy the breeze outside? 

…are always littering our clean city.

I think even Obama has already heard about how clean Kigali city is. It is saddening therefore to see that some people are hell bent on fighting this good reputation.

These social misfits are fond of dropping paper and other sorts of rubbish anywhere they find. It is these same people who go around spitting all over the city making it your duty to avoid stepping in their filthy mucus.

If you really cannot make use of the various dust bins scattered all over the city centre then you need to find a job that does not let you come to town. For the spitting ones, your home would certainly be a better place to practice your snake antics.

…keep making phone calls with very little credit on the phone.

Yes I can already see some people saying, "Oh he is talking about me!” Yes of course I am talking about all of you in the habit of using public phones (Tuvugane) with airtime worth only 100 francs.

Even before you can comprehend what the person is trying to communicate to you, the line goes off. Then they will call you again and again and on each occasion they will still enter only 100 francs!

It is annoying enough to have a conversation breaking before completion. More so, calling me ten times and saying hello on each consequent call can be the worst form of entertainment on a hot day. Buy some real airtime please. 

…pretend not to have seen me while they drive.

It is such people that have forced me not to hurry clearing my vehicle from MAGERWA simply because I hate the way they behave with their second hand Japanese machines.

Haven’t you seen those fellows that pretend not to have seen you as you try to wave to them while they drive? These low thinkers believe that we (yes you and me) are begging them for a lift.

They forget that as we left our homes, we never made plans for a lift from them. I am just praying that your lousy car breaks down or the police get you for a traffic offence.

…wear earphones and start singing off tune.

Sometimes I wish people knew what a disgrace to society they can be. I recently sat next to girl in a taxi who was wearing earphones and probably listening to Juliana’s hit song Kibaluma.

I had no option but to lay blame on her parents who took no time to let her know that singing was not one of her half talents.

She tried to sing along to the song but in reality she was only doing a mixture of moaning, complaining, talking and nothing like singing. At one point I almost reached out to her to console her for I really thought she was in some sort of pain.

I swear if it was Juliana sitting next to this girl, then she would have been excused for offering her a hot slap as she seemed to be spoiling her song at the very least.

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The Hater