A day in the life of....A Marketing Officer

Joy Basabe is the Marketing officer of Okapi Hotel and Restaurant. Below she tells us what her typical day is like: I wake up at 5a.m and organize breakfast for my children. At about 6:30a.m, I take my children to school then head to my work place.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Joy Basabe is the Marketing officer of Okapi Hotel and Restaurant. Below she tells us what her typical day is like: I wake up at 5a.m and organize breakfast for my children. At about 6:30a.m, I take my children to school then head to my work place.

By 7a.m I am usually at work. Given the nature of my work, I am not always in one place. I even do not have specific time for breakfast.

I normally have lunch at 12p.m at my work place. I continue working until latest 5p.m. Straight away, I go home. Upon arrival, I have a shower and rest.

In an effort to achieve and perform my duties better at work, after relaxing for roughly 2 hours, I research on marketing techniques.

This will helps me to market Okapi Hotel since it’s the task ahead of me. I take sometime in organizing some things at home and reading some newspapers.

I have supper at around 9p.m, and continue chatting with my children until 10p.m when I go to bed.
