Weekend gateaway

Vacation time is a time to enjoy and relax. While some prefer to go on long breaks there are a few who prefer mini vacations! Mini vacations or weekend getaways completely refresh a person and make him/her feel geared up for work as well.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Vacation time is a time to enjoy and relax. While some prefer to go on long breaks there are a few who prefer mini vacations!

Mini vacations or weekend getaways completely refresh a person and make him/her feel geared up for work as well. However, frequent mini vacations may sometimes cause a dent in the wallet!

Therefore having a budget plan for a mini vacation is of utmost importance. A travel budget helps a person to plan and manage the finance and end up with savings!

And if you see the brighter side of planning a budget, you can even end up with more savings for any weekend getaway!

Planning for cheap vacation or holidays on a budget is not really as difficult as it may seem. So these are my few ideals to make your dream mini vacation a reality.

Weekend getaways can be planned during off-season time. This is the time when travel agent can offer better deals for airfare and package tours and hotel rates would also be cheaper because travelers are few or not at all, so they usually offer affordable price mini vacations.

This situation will prove to be advantageous to you as you can opt to book your hotel room for a lesser price. This will subsequently save you a lot of money.

Family vacation can surely be planned on a tight budget too. You can camp with your entire family at a nearby location and connect with nature.

This is surely an idea that will not burn a hole in your wallet. Instead, this will help you to spend quality time with your family enjoying a panoramic view of the mountains.

You can walk through the beautiful mountains, cook food and enjoy the freedom in the woods since we have thousands of mountains in Rwanda so what better place than home. 

You can also explore an area in your own neighborhood with friends like a small valley. Plan and visit those entire places you have never seen before but always wanted to visit take the big step.

Bring out the map and rent or borrow a car and go all around the countryside whose beautifully scenarios which will leave you breathless.

The joy of discovering new destinations closer to your home will give you many more options for your travel plans later on and this time since you know what it is like out there will be more motivated than ever.

When was the last time you went on a picnic? Well no need to answer this I think I know the answer so, If you are fortunate enough to stay near a beach or a swamp you can call up your friends and pack some good food.

Have fun in the sun or next to the beach, swimming, sing, photo shooting, and games. Gorge on food beneath a clear sky! It’s not about how much money you spend to have a great time outdoors; it’s only about quality time, which does not need a large budget!

A weekend getaway planned in this manner will leave you with beautiful memories with your loved ones. If you have a friend on the other side of the town example Ruhengeri, Kibuye, you can even swap visiting times get your family to visit your friend’s house and vice versa.

This will save you money that is spent on hotels and rental apartments. Since you can opt for home-cooked meals, a lot of money can be saved and spent on travel and other fun-related activities. These activities will allow you to explore something new every time you are on a weekend getaway. 

A change can help any person feel recharged and sometimes, you need not travel too far for a vacation. Look up for home and away hotel in your locality and book yourself here for the weekend.

You can enjoy the beauty and splendor of the place and relax your mind and body by trying out various packages available Wouldn’t it be economical to pamper yourself at a destination close-by in luxury, rather than traveling far and opting for a mediocre hotel?

When you return, you will feel completely relaxed and refreshed and such a holiday idea can be planned even at a short notice!

You can even check out the deals online for cheap airfare If you plan this in advance, you can have tickets to some good travel destinations without really spending more than required. With the money saved, you are free to spend it on other new things you would like to discover!

These budget plans for mini vacations can help you to devote time completely to yourself and family without feeling the pinch. Isn’t it time for you to pack your bags and enjoy a much-deserved weekend getaway? Hope you get addicted to it.
