Feature: Reflexology; another medical wonder

The Bible tells us that before God created mankind, He made it a point He first created nature and the environment. By this the almighty had a prudent reason of balancing everything to the comfort of man such that he can live in harmony and complete bliss.

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Reflexology is a natural, calming therapy designed to help the body gently unwind.

The Bible tells us that before God created mankind, He made it a point He first created nature and the environment. By this the almighty had a prudent reason of balancing everything to the comfort of man such that he can live in harmony and complete bliss.

The diverse nature God put in place included oceans, the wild, herbs and the rest of the green nature. Because He wanted mankind to live in comfort, he packaged medicinal elements in nature such that in case of physical discomfort, man could just reach out to nature, use it and get healed.

This background forms the basis of the natural way of treatment through natural medicine together with reflexology and massage, as opposed to the contemporary mode of treatment.

According to Gerald Luzindana, a reflexologist working with Kisaakye herbal clinic in Kampala, the biggest challenge facing mankind has been slowness in discovery and being brain washed by the contemporary medications which have blinded people from the true cure to their ailments. 

Though reflexology practitioners in Rwanda have not picked up the required boldness and openness to what they do such that people can get a deeper insight into this kind of treatment, it is slowly gaining momentum in the country.

There are so far four operating reflexology clinics in Kigali, two in Kicukiro near Sonatubes, one in Nyamirambo and Eden Memory Research Centre in Nyarutarama. This shows that people are slowly getting to know this kind of treatment. 

According to a reflexologist operating near Sonatubes, people are slowly coming to know the healing strength hidden in this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, for fear of violating the law governing the health sector, he couldn’t reveal his name.

"People from all walks of life have walked in here and we have treated their different health problems. People are slowly by slowly realizing the healing magic in reflexology,” he said.

He further revealed that reflexology treatment is as old as mankind. That it is the initial and profound mode of treatment that has lived the test of time.

"This treatment was there before Jesus, and it’s been practiced in many countries only that different people conduct it differently. For instance, the Chinese have their own, the Indians and Africans theirs,” he said.

He also said that there is a plan for all the reflexologies in Rwanda to merge and form an association. That this will give more dignity to this practice and that it will provide a framework of rules and guidelines to steer and step up the practice.

The medical fraternity around the world cannot fail to notice the fascination patients have developed for massage and reflexology treatment.

Reflexology works on the principle that all the organs in the body are reflected on the foot or hand. By pressing the relevant point, healing can be transferred to the particular area in need.

Treatment consists of the systematic massage of specific points on the feet to stimulate the body’s own healing forces, relieving stress and strengthening the whole system.

Treatment can help with a wide range of disorders; it is a deeply relaxing and healing treatment according to the practitioners.

Reflexology is not just a massage, but a specific pressure technique that works on precise reflex points found on the feet and hands, which correspond to the major glands and organs of the body.

The feet are usually treated most since they are easier to work on being larger than hands. Gentle massage and firm pressure are combined by the therapist using their hands, with particular thumb and finger techniques, to work the whole of each foot.

How can reflexology help me?

Reflexology can be used to help restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

Reflexology has been shown to be effective for, Back Pain, Migraine, Infertility, Arthritis, Sleep disorders, Hormonal imbalances, Sports injuries, Digestive disorders, Stress-related conditions and others.

Reflexology is suitable for people of all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After completing a course of reflexology treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well being.

While many people use reflexology as a way of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress, at the same time many doctors, consultants and other health care professionals recognise reflexology as a well established, respected and effective therapy.

With ever increasing levels of stress, it is important people take more responsibility for their own health care needs. Reflexology helps us to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level thereby encouraging us to heal and maintain health in all areas of our lives.

Reflexology treatments can take up to an hour or more and usually about six weekly sessions are recommended for optimum results depending on your body’s needs.

On your first visit the reflexology practitioner will take a detailed case history discussing your past and present health as well as your current lifestyle, before treatment starts.

Donnat Uwirinjiyimana was suffering from a chronic migraine but thanks to reflexology he was cured. He revealed that he went for it out of sheer desperation because the migraine was almost making him run mad.

"I was asked to remove my shoes and socks and then asked to sit on a treatment couch and the doctor started slowly massaging under my feet while concentrating on what he said were the specific points of the body organ,” he said.

"The doctor kept asking me how I feel after pressing specific points under my feet and I told him exactly how I felt.”

Uwirinjiyimana further revealed that the treatment took three weeks and that ever since then, he has never suffered even a slight headache.

According to reports on reflexology, the general appearance of your foot will be examined as any sores or corns cannot receive pressure.

The application and the effect of the therapy, is unique to each person. Reflexology is not ticklish or painful; any tender areas are treated gently and the feeling tends to be soothing rather than sore.

A professionally trained reflexologist can detect subtle changes in specific points on the feet, and working on these points may affect the corresponding organ or system of the body.

After one or two treatments, your body may respond in a very definite way. Most people note a sense of well-being and relaxation; sometimes people report feeling lethargic, nauseous, cold type symptoms or tearful, but this is transitory and is a part of the healing process as the body restores balance and harmony.

This is vital information to feed back to the reflexologist as it shows how your body is responding to treatment and this will help the reflexologist to tailor a treatment plan specific to your individual needs on each visit.

Physiological and psychological changes take place in the body, stimulating the body’s own internal healing potential to restore balance and harmony as energy blocks are released.

According to Wikipedia, a free internet encyclopaedia, many find reflexology deeply relaxing, often falling asleep during the session.
