The secret life of...Augustin Nkusi

Nkusi is the Prosecution spokesperson. He is married and a father of four. Below, he unveils some secrets of his life: The first thing you do in the morning… Pray to God.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Nkusi is the Prosecution spokesperson. He is married and a father of four. Below, he unveils some secrets of his life:

The first thing you do in the morning…

Pray to God.

When are you happiest?

When I have no problems and the country is peaceful.

Greatest fear…..


Earliest childhood memory…

Being denied entry into our country at the Congo border in 1965.

Affectionate memory of your parents….

Caring and loving.

Greatest achievement….

Participating in the peace process and national development of my country.

What keeps you awake?

When searching for a solution to a problem.

The most important lesson life has taught you…

Life teaches each day and people have to think hard.

During your free time…

I read newspapers, watch movies and research on various issues.

What you hate most


Retirement plans…

Engage in light work; write a book about life in Rwanda.