Up-country insight: third-phase of performance contracts

NORTHERN PROVINCE The progress in the implementation of performance contracts signed by the districts with the president to set standards and benchmarks for development has recently finished its third-phase, and a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the results is needed.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The progress in the implementation of performance contracts signed by the districts with the president to set standards and benchmarks for development has recently finished its third-phase, and a comprehensive understanding and analysis of the results is needed.

A situation of diverse thinking and working environment from the local authorities is a recommendable success gained.

The performance contracts, firstly, has made authorise accountable to the people they lead and the state for which they work.

In Northern Province high population growth and polygamy were reported and the leaders, according to Minister Musoni, should take quick measures to check its growth if sustainable development is to be realized.
In law, justice and order, local courts have helped to ensure peace; the executive secretaries together with Inyangamugayo through Gacaca have formed a strong social bond.

There has been integration of the private sector into the developmental programs from within the grass root.

There has also been an efficient service delivery, from Umudugudu to Akagari weekly security meetings monitoring and evaluating the progress.

The addition of value to the agricultural products guarantees stronger, richer markets. 

In Gakenke district, growing of coffee was contracted and after a growing season, its coffee was among best-quality on the world market.

On his own behalf, Minister of Local Government Protais Musoni has observed that standards should be neither too high so as unable to be achieve nor too low that no progress is really made.

He said the government shall be setting the performance contracts limit expected and that evaluation shall always be a timely follow up.
