The youth need to be empowered economically

Editor, What I have noticed in the short time I have been in Rwanda is that the youth here are more zealousous to work and develop the social, economic status of their country than those in other countries.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


What I have noticed in the short time I have been in Rwanda is that the youth here are more zealousous to work and develop the social, economic status of their country than those in other countries.

The Rwandan youth some having experienced the dark period our country has gone through and the ray of hope that is ahead; they are committed to participating in developmental undertakings if given support .

However it is sad that many of them lack the economic muscle to make things happen in a proactive manner while many who have completed university lack the jobs to sustain themselves .

There have been agencies like ‘Yes Rwanda’ which are devoted to locating for them employment opportunities but still this is not enough. These agencies can’t help in the long term and won’t sustain the generations to come.

Many youths here have innovative business ideas and would wish to implement them but lack the finances to start; so they need to be supported so that they can start systems which help them accumulate wealth for themselves, thier families and the country as a whole.
