Teens Hype: Reading as a hobby

Reading is one thing that many of us find hard to do. Reading is one way to learn what you did not know. It is also another way of improving what we already know. If reading is done as a hobby, it can eventually become a habit.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Reading is one thing that many of us find hard to do. Reading is one way to learn what you did not know. It is also another way of improving what we already know. If reading is done as a hobby, it can eventually become a habit.

This does not happen in one day. It starts from one step to make a thousand steps. It all starts with getting interest in some books, then you read one page today, and if you are still interested, the next day and the day after you can then read a whole book.

This is very possible, yes you can. Tell dad and mum to buy you interesting story books of your choice and make a library of your own where you can pick a book to read at any one time. This will make reading very easy for you since it will be one of your favourite hobbies.
