FEATURED: I&M Bank equips women with entrepreneurial skills
Friday, August 30, 2024
Participants, all from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), learned practical skills to help them grow their businesses.

Twenty-six women entrepreneurs gathered for the "She Grows with I&M Bank” workshop on August 28, a programme designed to enhance their business skills and help them expand their ventures.

Organised by I&M Bank Rwanda in partnership with Le Village de la Femme, a social enterprise focused on empowering young African women through entrepreneurship, the event was part of the bank’s ongoing efforts to support women in business.

The workshop provided training in crucial areas such as business operations, financial management, and accessing resources. Participants, all from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), learned practical skills to help them grow their businesses.

ALSO READ: I&M Bank trains 60 women entrepreneurs in access to finance

Key sessions focused on developing a growth mindset, crafting effective business strategies, and mastering bookkeeping and financial management.

The participants also gained valuable insights, including how to secure loans of Rwf350 million without collateral, and how to effectively use I&M Bank’s services to create success stories that could change their lives.

They were also introduced to the Business Model Compass, a simplified business plan that covers nine essential components, including what sets their business apart, their relationship with the community, delivery channels, and revenue streams.

Diane Niyigaba, speaking on behalf of the trainees, expressed her excitement about the knowledge gained from the training.

"We learned so much today,” she said.

Niyigaba shared that they learned how to shift their mindset, access loans without collateral, and market their products more effectively by targeting specific client segments.

"We even did assessments on paper, writing down the value we plan to offer our clients and the unique things we will do for them.

"We are very happy and thankful for this day and for including us women in this training. We learned so much that will help us grow our businesses,” she said.

ALSO READ: I&M Bank Rwanda introduces WhatsApp Banking 2.0 for seamless customer experience

Aretha Mutumwinka, Executive Director of Le Village de la Femme, emphasised the workshop’s impact on the participants, noting that it provided them with critical skills in business planning, financial literacy, and strategy development.

"Today, we focused on helping these women understand how they can expand their businesses and overcome limitations. We want them to envision a future where they can grow beyond their current boundaries,” she said.

Mutumwinka also stressed the importance of continued support, saying, "We do not just stop at the workshops. We plan to conduct advisory visits to ensure that these women are applying what they’ve learned and are on the path to sustainable growth.”

Reflecting on the programme’s future, Mutumwinka shared the goal of expanding the initiative—to reach more women across Rwanda.

"We intend to make this a multi-year partnership, extending beyond Kigali to other districts so that more women can benefit from the programme,” she explained.

Benjamin Mutimura, CEO of I&M Bank Rwanda, expressed his gratitude to Le Village de la Femme for bringing the idea to life and noted the importance of partnerships.

Benjamin Mutimura, CEO of I&M Bank Rwanda, expressed his gratitude to Le Village de la Femme for bringing the idea to life and noted the importance of partnerships.

"We aim to make this an annual event. Having partners like Le Village de la Femme is important, as they will provide ongoing advisory support to the trainees. We are committed to working with them,” he said.

Addressing the participants, Mutimura added, "If you have understood the training here and have the will, confidence, and clear goals, we will support you. As I&M Bank, we will stand by you. This initiative is just the beginning; we will continue to support others as well.”

Mutimura also emphasised the bank’s ambitious goal of helping two million entrepreneurs over the next three years.

"You are the first, but we will continue to support many others,” he said.

In conclusion, he stressed the importance of saving, "Work and earn, but do not spend all your money. Remember to save because there will come a time when you might not be able to work, and you will need those savings,” he advised.

By the end of the workshop, each participant received a certificate, marking their successful completion of the programme and their commitment to advancing their entrepreneurial journeys.

The event was part of the bank’s ongoing efforts to support women in business.
The workshop provided training in crucial areas such as business operations, financial management, and accessing resources.
The workshop was organised by I&M Bank Rwanda in partnership with Le Village de la Femme
Twenty-six women entrepreneurs gathered for the "She Grows with I&M Bank” workshop on August 28. All photos by Craish Bahizi