Gasana in court today

KIGALI - The Executive Secretary of the Eastern Province, Charles Gasana who was arrested last week over accusations of embezzling government funds is scheduled to appear in court today. Prosecution spokesperson Augustin Nkusi confirmed yesterday that Gasana is scheduled to appear in the Gasabo Lower Court of Instance today.

Monday, May 04, 2009
Prosecution spokesperson Augustin Nkusi

KIGALI - The Executive Secretary of the Eastern Province, Charles Gasana who was arrested last week over accusations of embezzling government funds is scheduled to appear in court today.

Prosecution spokesperson Augustin Nkusi confirmed yesterday that Gasana is scheduled to appear in the Gasabo Lower Court of Instance today.

Gasana is alleged to have connived with Vincent Gatwabuyege the former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure in flouting tendering procedures in the construction of the provincial headquarters.

The official has been behind bars at Remera Police station since last week.

This particular case also saw the arrest of Alexis Mugarura, a local businessman who won the tender to construct the multi-million complex.

According to prosecution, the businessman, who had initially quoted the construction of the complex at Rwf1.7bn later requested for Rwf 1.5bn.additional money.

According to the procedures, any additional funds on the original sum agreed upon in a tender should not exceed 20 percent.

On when Alex Mugarura would be produced in court, Nkusi said that his case was still under investigation.
