Security should stop treating people with contempt

Editor,I have observed security personnel, from various organs, having quarrels with civilians because they aren’t treating them (the civilians) with respect.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I have observed security personnel, from various organs, having quarrels with civilians because they aren’t treating them (the civilians) with respect.

In normal situations police, and other security organs, are supposed to work hand in hand with the public, in order to maintain law and order, in mutual respect.

But there have been a few cases, most especially during public holidays, where, because of changes in the security procedures, members of the public are harassed by over-zealous agents.

It is good to participate in national events but there are times when security arrangements, and some unfriendly agents, make it hard for people to participate in some of them.

We appreciate our security officer’s dedication to their jobs but, maybe a bit of civility will go a long way in helping us appreciate just how difficult and important your jobs are.
