POET'S CORNER: Pluralism

This goes out to all my immigrantsSpecifically the Africans, my brothers and sistersWho wish to find a peace of mindLiving life in a foreign country

Sunday, May 03, 2009

This goes out to all my immigrants
Specifically the Africans, my brothers and sisters
Who wish to find a peace of mind
Living life in a foreign country
Struggling to find a balance between natural ethnocentrism
And a need for assimilation
Trying to stand out but blend in with the population
Confusion coz your culture is proud one
Prodigal sons of a fading nation
Passionate about conservation but preservation comes at a price
Coz for a slice of the pie
You got to let a piece of it die
Questions, like why? Why can’t it be both, why choose?
Why not have both the old and the new?
Taking on a role that’s alien to you
in the hopes that you will be understood
Hypocritical ‘cause everything you stood for is beginning to change
And this strange place is starting to feel like home
But you’re struggling to remember where you’re from
See there’s a love still burning, steady in your chest
The Motherland’s pulse is still beating in your chest
Africa lives in each breath that you take
Lake Victoria’s waters flow through your body
You embody the fierce heat of the Sahara
Sisters and brothers, realize that you are descendants of a rich heritage
And ages from now you will still be
A child of wise kings and queens
You inherited a legacy, destiny is realized in your lives daily
You are opportunity seized, designed to succeed
A mockery of all of your adversaries, you diminish your impediments
You are an establishment of strength
You are why I’m proud to be African!
