Annie Kairaba on Vision 2020

After extensive consultations, the Government of National Unity drafted a document called VISION 2020. This draft document was presented to a large cross-section of Rwandan society, by whom it was amended and validated. The final result is the current document, in which a long-term development path for Rwanda is outlined and ambitious goals to be reached by the year 2020 are formulated.

Sunday, May 03, 2009
Annie Kairaba in her office

After extensive consultations, the Government of National Unity drafted a document called VISION 2020. This draft document was presented to a large cross-section of Rwandan society, by whom it was amended and validated.

The final result is the current document, in which a long-term development path for Rwanda is outlined and ambitious goals to be reached by the year 2020 are formulated.

VISION 2020 is thus a framework for Rwanda’s development, presenting the key priorities and providing Rwandans with a guiding tool for the future.

It supports a clear Rwandan identity, whilst showing ambition and imagination in overcoming poverty and division.

The Rwandan Government, together with its partners, donors, civil society organisations and the private sector, is now in the process of formulating more detailed sectoral plans in order to attain the goals of VISION 2020
'Sunday Times’ Richard Nkubito talked to the Director of Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD), Annie Kairaba, in her offices at Kimihurura about their role in realising the Vision 2020. Below are excerpts.

Will you briefly Introduce yourself to the readers of Sunday Times?
Yes, I am Annie Kairaba, Director of Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) & Coordinator for Land Net Rwanda Chapter (Land Net is an Africa Network initiative).

What is your take on Vision 2020?

Vision 2020 is a great vision for Rwanda towards sustainable Development. The three main areas of the Vision 2020 which include; Human and social development, economic development and natural resources, governance and regulatory function, if achieved, will make Rwanda a different and dynamic country. It will be land-locked no more.

How does your company translate the Vision 2020 in its day to day undertakings?

RISD being a policy and advocacy organisation engages in all national policy processes, from formulation to implementation.

Specifically Vision 2020 is set by the government to guide all development programs in the country.  Therefore, all RISD programs are implemented within the framework of Vision 2020. 

Although RISD works on different policy issues, it has focused on programs related to natural resources and governance. 

Hence, RISD has focused on the  land reform process since 1999, when the process of developing land policy and land law started, in the phase of implementation. 

RISD specifically played a big role in the land use program of study on Imidugudu (Villagisation). It revealed that Imidugudu program is the most suitable strategy for Rwanda in terms of land use management, despite the challenge of implementation.

Does your human resource understand the vision?

Yes, all staff of RISD does understand Vision 2020 as the main guiding tool of the organisation’s planning strategy.

Any Challenges so far?

The challenge is like that of most Rwandans, shortage in human capacity to accelerate the achievement of vision 2020. 

However, this gap is partly addressed through Rwanda joining the East African Community, where Rwanda can benefit from the existing technical human capacity in other East African countries.  Another challenge is scarcity of financial resources.

Do you think these challenges might affect the nation’s vision?

If the government continues making theses challenges its priorities of concern, as every indication shows, they may have minimal negative effect on the vision.

What is your message to the entire community as regards Vision 2020?

They should all combine efforts towards the achievement of Vision 2020 as it is the main hope towards the sustainable development of Rwanda and poverty reduction.
