In moments of doubt, remember His promises

In order to test them, does God deliberately take a step back from those he loves? As a Christian, have you ever felt like God is nowhere nearby and you are facing everything on your own? Most believers admit their struggle with doubt about the reality of their faith and whether God is really involved in their battles.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

In order to test them, does God deliberately take a step back from those he loves? As a Christian, have you ever felt like God is nowhere nearby and you are facing everything on your own?

Most believers admit their struggle with doubt about the reality of their faith and whether God is really involved in their battles.

While non believers chose to edge Him out and rarely notice His presence or role in their lives, true believers are entirely dependant on God’s will and guidance like the biblical champions of faith; Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Isaiah. But just like Job, their faith has to be tested time and time again before they attain spiritual maturity.

Take an infant that is learning to walk, swim or ride a bicycle. The toddler’s loving parent will have to let it take steps on its own, at times fall hard and acquire some nasty wounds not to mention heart-breaking sobs and screams before it learns to walk.

The same with riding a bicycle or swimming, you don’t actually learn till you are on your own. It is normal to feel alone or deserted in your walk with God, but very absurd to withdraw from His everlasting love during a time of doubt.

When Job lost everything including his family and health, he could simply have cursed God and died as his wife advised (Job 2:9). In the current times Job would probably take it as bad luck and dismiss the notion of some Almighty God controlling things!

Job’s faith was thoroughly tested especially when his closest friends blamed him for all his misfortunes implicating that he was being punished for his sins. He lamented at the unfairness of the situation (Job 23-24) but never stopped trusting in God.

God knows we are vulnerable to anger, resentment and sorrow as a result of disappointment but what He cares about is our attitude.

When God finally intervened, He did not soothe Job for all his suffering but stressed His right to do as He pleased with His creation (Job 38-41).

God was angry at Job’s friends for having rubbed salt into his wounds with their words. Job finally passed the test and regained what he lost in double measures (Job 42:10-17).

Several incidents in the Bible show us that God indeed tests those He loves. But the test of patience and perseverance seems the hardest.

The Israelites suffered in the wilderness until they asked Moses why he had brought them out of Egypt. Some believers actually get to the point of wondering why they got saved in the first place!

God let the Egyptians come after them immediately miraculously crossing the Red sea. I am sure the Israelites were marveling at the power of their God only to be filled with despair upon seeing the mighty Pharaoh’s army at their heels.

In one swift move God had to remind them of his power by drowning their enemy out of sight (Exodus 14:21-31).

This reflects what we go through as Christians. Trial comes after trial to test our faith but each time we lose hope and succumb to the pressures of this world instead of holding on to what we have.

James advises believers to count it all joy when tried as this works out patience (James 1:2-4).

Jesus Himself was tried several times but did not compromise like some of us (Luke 4). In fact He endured suffering to the point of death when He could no longer feel God’s presence (Mathew 27:46) but still surrendered to His will.

The Bible says He was being punished for our sins and not His. Do you know how He was rewarded? He was given the name above all other names by which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord (Philippians 2:5-11).

So what kind of trial are you going through today? Is it enough to make you turn away from the faith you have patiently held onto all this time?

It may be a hardship or temptation but do not let it blur your vision. Look straight ahead, God has more than you can imagine in store for you (Jeremiah 33:3).

When He feels a bit distant, God has not forsaken you-He has assured you of that already (Hebrews 13:5-6, Joshua 1:5).

God never changes neither does His Word. Therefore when you feel unsure about your faith just hold on to His promises and remember He is just a prayer away. Be blessed.
