BAL: REG drops Pitchou Manga and Ntore Habimana ahead of playoffs
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Pitchou Manga was dropped by REG ahead the upcoming BAL.

American coach Robert John Pack Jr who is currently the head coach of Rwanda Energy Group (REG) Basketball Club has dropped center Pitchou Manga and point-guard Ntore Habimana from the squad that will feature in the playoffs of the Basketball Africa League (BAL).

The much anticipated playoffs of the showpiece are set to get underway in Kigali, from the 21st to the 28th of this month, and REG is looking to go into the contest with a reinforced squad.

Times Sport understands that the two players have been replaced with Rwandan shooting guard Kenneth Gasana and Senegalese center Abdoulaye N’Doye.

Manga played a fairly good role in REG's quest to qualify from the Sahara conference, in terms of scoring and defending as he made use of his stature as an advantage.

Habimana, though had not played a single match for REG in the ongoing BAL so far.

Meanwhile, REG is currently in camp at Ubumwe Hotel where they are doing final preparations for the playoffs.

They will take on Cameroon’s Forces Armées et Police (FAP) Basketball Club in the round of eight playoffs.

FAP finished in 4th place in the Nile Conference, while REG topped the Sahara Conference.

REG’s BAL Roster:

Cleveland Joseph Thomas Jr, Antony Walker, Adonis Jovon Filer, Jean Jacques Wilson Nshobozwabyosenumukiza, Dieudonné Ndizeye Ndayisaba,Olivier Shyaka, Kaje Elie, Pierre Thierry Vandriessche, Kami Kabange, Mpoyo Axel, Kenneth Gasana, Joy Ighovodja and Abdoulaye N’Doye.