Deepened political trust leads comprehensive cooperation between China and Africa
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), with the theme "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future”, will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6, making a grand reunion of the China-Africa big family, which is also the largest diplomatic event China has hosted in recent years, with the highest attendance of foreign leaders. Leaders from China and Africa will celebrate and make planning for China-Africa friendly cooperation, and draw a blueprint for common development and common prosperity. The summit will also adopt two outcome documents, the Declaration and the Action Plan, to build major consensus between the two sides and chart a path for implementing China-Africa cooperation in the next three years. The Summit is widely expected to be a milestone of China-Africa relations and start a new chapter in the construction of a China-Africa community with a shared future.

1. Political trust: trust stemming from similar historical experiences and shared responsibility for the future

China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with most developing countries. Due to our similar experiences in recent history and common mission and pursuit for peace, development and security, China and Africa are natural friends and have been closely linked. Deeming Africa as the cornerstone of its foreign policy, China has always adhered to the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests in dealing with Africa. For that reason, China is widely regarded as a reliable friend and sincere partner of African countries in their cause to safeguard independence and pursue development. China’s three major global initiatives on development, security and civilization proposed by President Xi Jinping have been welcomed by African countries and the majority of the world.

African countries and people are advancing along the path of modernization chosen by themselves. China is willing to be a good partner who sincerely hopes to see a prosperous Africa. At the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue held in August 2023, China launched the "Initiative on Supporting Africa's Industrialization”, the "Plan for China Supporting Africa's Agricultural Modernization” and the "Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development”. These three initiatives cover areas that Africa most needs to advance modernization, demonstrating China’s sincerity in supporting Africa’s development with concrete actions. By practice of exploring modernization, China and Africa is promoting the great historic cause of win-win cooperation, harmonious coexistence, and common prosperity of civilizations.

2: Practical Cooperation: partners for modernization, common prosperity of the people, and sustainable development

Since its birth in 2000, FOCAC has focused on achieving common prosperity and sustainable development for the people of China and Africa. In line of the principles of planning together, building together, and benefiting together, FOCAC has grown into an important platform for collective dialogue, an effective mechanism for practical cooperation, and a "golden brand” for leading international cooperation with Africa and for deepening the Global South cooperation.

The cooperation in economic and trade fields under the umbrella of FOCAC has achieved fruitful results. It showcases how Chinese and African people have been benefited from FOCAC, under the joint concern and contribution of President Xi Jinping and African leaders.

Firstly, China-Africa trade registers records time and again. In 2023, China-Africa trade volume reached a record high of US$282.1 billion, an increase of 11% over 2021. The record highs in two consecutive years demonstrates the strong momentum and resilience of China-Africa trade.

Secondly, China-Africa investment steadily increases. As of the end of 2023, China’s direct investment in Africa exceeded US$ 40 billion. China boasts a major source of foreign investment for Africa. Over the past three years, Chinese companies in Africa have created more than 1.1 million jobs. The economic and trade zones invested and built by Chinese companies in Africa have attracted more than 1,000 companies, contributing greatly to export and revenue.

Thirdly, the cooperation in infrastructure is achieving remarkable results. Over the past decade, Chinese companies have signed project contracts worthy of more than US$700 billion in Africa, with a turnover of over US$ 400 billion. A series of landmark projects and "small and beautiful” programs have been implemented in such sectors as transportation, energy, electricity, housing and livelihood. These projects have given strong impetus to local economic and social development.

Fourthly, the cooperation in emerging sectors is gaining momentum. For e-commerce, China and Africa have joined hands to expand the "Silk Road e-commerce” cooperation and held online shopping festivals featuring quality African products. When the Rwandan Ambassador to China, H.E. James Kimonyo, promoted Rwandan coffee on line, 3,000 bags of coffee were "snapped up” immediately. Chinese e-commerce companies have proactively explored the Kenyan market, and created nearly 10, 000 jobs for local youth. For health care, Chinese companies have invested in medicine industry in Mali, Uganda, Cameroon, among others, to improve the accessibility of local medicines.

The FOCAC Summit is around the corner. China and Africa will work together to pursue modernization, and create better livelihood for their people. The summit will also present a great opportunity for further development of China-Rwanda relations. China and Rwanda are working closely to deepen political trust, and promote practical cooperation. I firmly believe, given the shared political will of both sides, the Summit will definitely usher China-Rwanda bilateral relations to a new level, continue to write a new chapter in the mutual understanding, affinity and friendship between our two peoples, sending a powerful message of China and Africa taking part in and leading the reform of the global governance system, so as to gather strong momentum to advancing world modernization.

The author is China's Ambassador to Rwanda