EA musicians perform for hope

GASABO - Famous musicians from East Africa over the weekend joined their Rwandan counterparts in a “Hope” concert to support the “One Dollar Campaign”.

Sunday, May 03, 2009
L-R: Joseph Mayanja aka Chameleon, General Mega Dee.

GASABO - Famous musicians from East Africa over the weekend joined their Rwandan counterparts in a "Hope” concert to support the "One Dollar Campaign”.

The show held at Petit Stade, Remera attracted Uganda’s Joseph Mayanja aka Chameleon and music soldier "General” Mega Dee who joined Burundian star Kidumu and Rwanda’s own, Rafiki aka Coga style and Miss Channel among others.

It was sponsored by Black and White club with proceedings intended to help homeless orphans of the Genocide against Tutsi in which over a million innocent lives were lost.

Speaking to the media shortly before the concert, the manager of Black and White Olivier Nzaramba, said that using music to help the disadvantaged was helpful because many people are interested and willing to spend on music shows.

"We have arranged to have three shows around the country and by Monday we shall announce how much we collected to benefit the underprivileged children,” he said.

"General” Mega Dee admitted that it was important to bring back hope to a country which had previously been torn apart by the hate ideology that culminated into Genocide.

"We bring to you a ray of peace and love through music well aware that what happened here 15 years ago, should never happen again,” the self proclaimed General said.
