"CODAGE”, a poetic play that reflects life events was stage-premiered live at Casa Keza, Kacyiru, on the night of May 15.
It is a result of collaborative efforts of members of the Art Beasts, a performing arts company which includes a theatre troupe.
According to Nina Umutesi, the play creator, "Codage” reflects an undercoded code – the why of different events the universe brings such as rain, accidents, death, among other events, that some people do not give a second thought.
In the play, the actors search for the code, asking themselves what it can signify and trying to determine whether it can be cracked so that they can stop troubles the world and its people are facing.

Some of the members of the Art Beasts.
Umutesi also revealed that she decided to include poets whose poems match the play’s context as a way to convey the message in a unique and more interesting way.
"The message is conveyed poetically and by the actions of the characters. That shows that poetry is inside us and that we can express it by using both words and body moves," she said.
"The play’s cast consists of six characters: a girl who foresees the future, an artist who predicts future, a girl who was given "Codage” by the universe, two universe guardians as well as two lovers.”
The play also features French, Kinyarwanda and English languages. That, according to Umutesi, is a way of engaging a diverse audience.
Abdoulmajid Nsabiyumva played in "Codage” as a guardian, protecting the world from the "code” that wanted to destroy it and willing to decode it and expose its secrets.
Sano performing his solo play, ‘Inside a Box’ Photos/ Courtesy
"In this play, we were given a chance to express how we see things,” he said. "It made me reflect on what I need to do to protect the world as well as what I would tell the world if I were its guardian.”
He also tackled the significance of bringing a play on stage, declaring that it makes him express himself, nurture confidence and be able to artistically provide the audience with a constructive message.
Marie Solange Nishimwe who attended the event stressed on its artistic part as something she loved the most.
"The performers brought things to life, had artistic faces and were expressing what was inside of them, not just stuff they practiced. It was coming inside their hearts,” she said.
She added: "By watching the play, I learned that one is not alone. You might be feeling down, but they are people willing to help you. I urge performers to keep up the good work and take it to an international level.”
In the course of the event, Sano Eric, a contemporary dancer and creator who is also a member of the Art Beasts performed his solo play "Inside a Box" which highlights the difficulties a person with skin disability faces and how they can manage to breakthrough.
"It sends them a message to move out of their boxes,” he explained, "And showcase their abilities to the world.
He added: "Playing it live helps people embrace it and ask me to explain the scenes they couldn’t catch well.”
According to Nina Umutesi, "Gazore”, another play by the Art Beasts will be played live on May 27, at L’Espace, Kacyiru.