"I'm often asked what I think about as I run. Usually, the people who ask this have never run long distances themselves. I always ponder the question,” writes Haruki Murakami in his book "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”.
Apparently, the author didn’t have a clue, but I guess I do as I run on this black Kigali road. I am thinking that the bystanders who I call "non-runners” perhaps think that running is being crazy.
My sweat beads are rolling down my face as I pour out my hot breath and yet my heart is coping with the situation. I run faster until bystanders’ eyes no longer catch a close glimpse of me. I know what I am doing – burning calories, building a fresh mind.
It is Friday, May 13, 2022 at 6:39 p.m. I am near Gishushu roundabout. Traffic jam has already formed up a sign that the real run is about to kick off. The road that leads to Parliament is already car-free.
This is how we run: slow and free, embracing pleasant air which Kigali draws from green trees and flowers with yellow blossoms – planted in a designated area at the centre of the road.
Yes, this is Kigali Night Run and my first time attending it. I've been hearing about it from several sources, but I have never tasted its exuberant experience. I usually hate jogging when the sun is burning, but since it is presently asleep, it is my time to take over Kigali roads and shine.
I run towards Kigali Convention Centre (KCC) and now its lights whose dome has been lit with the national flag colours which illuminate my face. I think I’ve so far burned around 25 calories which is beneficial to my health. At this place, the vehicles have also been stopped by the police officers and a clear way has been traced for me. I feel more important.
Time check 6:55 p.m. The real run is scheduled to start in five minutes. I speed up, running in the road that passes on the right flank of KCC and in a few minutes, I reach Kigali Heights. Here comes a surreal show. The crowd is party-like. Electronic Dance Music (EDM), one of my favourite genres, is trouncing the speakers. A giant screen which is attached to a stage car is featuring fit people showing off different body moves.
On the stage are two fitness coaches, stretching their bodies, matching their moves with the beat of the music. Many people in the expansive grown are taking instructions from the coaches, and their countenances are lit by joy.
I join them as the MC encourages everyone to gear up for the great run. We move our arms to head, shoulders, toes as well as knees. Next to me stands a young man who introduces himself as Justin. He is sweating, but he manages to smile as he talks to me.
"…it’s my first time in this stuff, bro. I usually run once in a while," he tells me, breathing heavily. "I am enjoying this because it makes me relax. There is also music, hahaha."
Justin is cool to chat with. We also do stretching together, but as soon as the MC announces that we are about to kick-off the mass run, we part ways under a crowd of other attendees, all rushing towards the front, a space facing the KBC Complex.
Most shops here are closed. Some people are taking drinks inside the buildings. Others are leaning on the decks, watching us, the runners, shout and run. From KBC, we run down towards the KCC gate, turn right to RBC head office, turn right beside KCC, and take the longer run back to Kigali Heights, completing the detour of KCC. Among us are people of different sheds; Rwanda, foreigners children, adults. I can also see some dogs around.
Back at the roundabout, there is a table with a sky blue sheet. Placed above it are bottles of water, ready to be snatched by the runners. Two youth volunteers are standing behind the table and are serving everyone. At the edges of the road stand police officers. One of them is on a walkie talkie, murmuring stuff I do not catch.
I choose to sip water and keep jogging. I am breathing heavily and that makes me weary. This is normal though. It happens to me when I spend several months without jogging. It’s been around five months. Some people around me are also walking instead of running. I choose to be their better and run back to KH. I, with other people I find here, make another round to KCC and when we reach, we reverse the path and descend the road back to RBC Headquarters.
I then join the biggest group of runners whose singing voices reflect tremendous energy. They are running slowly which makes them easy to move ahead with.
Along the road are a few more youth volunteers, supplying water to everyone.
When we return to our initial destination, we found other Kigali Night Run attendees there. The run is over and now some youth are rolling on their skating boards and shoes, others are taking pictures while others are taking water. I talk to a girl who informs me she is called Aimee. She is stretching her legs near a group of men who are doing push-ups.
"This is great,” she tells me. "I was in Nyamirambo this morning when I received an SMS about this activity. I remembered it was Friday and decided to come.”
"Eeh…but how do you see it?” I ask, pretending to also do stretching.
"It's fun. You can run, or do stretching on your own like this," she says before moving her body side to side.
I do the same for a while before I stumble a few inches and meet Jean Claude Niyigena who tells me he is from Kabeza, another suburb. He reveals that it's his second time to attend Kigali Night Run, having attended the inaugural one when Covid-19 was still an illusion.
"This time,” he tells me, "the number of attendees has increased. You see, this is good. I've been working for the last five days. This sport helps me to relax and do what I do very well."
He then leaves me to talk to his companion. I do some stretching near the stage before I drink some water. Time is already 8:30 p.m. I leave the place, still sweating but with a relaxed mind.
As I return to Gishushu, I realise the road is still car free which makes it cope with my open movements. I am proud of the runner I’ve become tonight. Blessed is the person who came up with this activity that makes "Kigalians” jog at night and reflect on the importance of doing sport. Who am I to miss it next time? Even when my flesh refuses to cope, my spirit will attend.
Kigalians during Kigali Night Run on Friday on May 13, 2022.
Sports lovers enjoy jogging during Kigali Night Run
Sport roller skates during Kigali Night Run on Frinday on May 13, 2022.
The Mayor of Kigali City ,Pudence Rubingisa during the Kigali Night Run.