Get inspired: Stamp out your stress with laughter

There’s a Chinese proverb which says that one joy scatters a hundred griefs. Research has also shown that laughter is one of the remedies to stress. It is said, that a person whose colleagues are humorous is likely to suffer less stress than those who aren’t as fortunate.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

There’s a Chinese proverb which says that one joy scatters a hundred griefs. Research has also shown that laughter is one of the remedies to stress.

It is said, that a person whose colleagues are humorous is likely to suffer less stress than those who aren’t as fortunate.

Research also indicated that people who are not fond of laughing carry much stress than those who often smile. In her article "Consider the Importance of Laughter” Karen Elizabeth Angu says that plenty of laughter creates ‘laugh lines’ in a person’s face, giving the person a kindly look.

"Laughter is a powerful, wonderful thing. If we can learn to laugh, we can learn to live, to press on. Laughter is a reaffirmation of life. It is hope,” says Angu. 

Michael Pritchard says that we don’t stop laughing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop laughing. He also says that laughing does not only keep us young but that also people love being near happy or jolly people.

As the saying goes "laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and cry alone.” In life, people do not want to be in places where people are mourning. That is why in most cases you find few people in mourning places and millions of them in fun places. 

Happiness is needed in life so as to keep one moving on. According to Joel Goodman, "Seven days without laughter make one weak.”

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face says Victor Hugo. With Victor’s quote about laughter, let me wind this piece by saying that we should learn how to stamp out our stress by laughing.

Laughing is not a feeling but great medicine to our health. May you have a laughter filled Sunday.      
