When a romantic sms explains it all

With mobile phones widely owned by every Tom, Dick and Harry, short messages (sms) are also increasingly becoming the cheapest way of communication. They keep the conversation live with a message conveyed with the option of a reply from the recipient.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

With mobile phones widely owned by every Tom, Dick and Harry, short messages (sms) are also increasingly becoming the cheapest way of communication. They keep the conversation live with a message conveyed with the option of a reply from the recipient.

But for long, friends have been debating if meeting a lady, exchanging phone numbers and then sms as way of expressing your affection is being romantic.

Some claim that the option is very much preferred by those with a minimum balance that cannot make a long call even if connected to per second.

While others said the allegation could be untrue for those with enough credit especially if sms-ing a woman. The reason is shyness to express passion easily.

Many have stressed that this is the best way to show affection with a lot of spiced romantic words, especially before making the first move.

Now, in the absence of old fashioned letters written in ink, it is believed that text messages are probably the most effective way to keep a woman’s interest levels pretty high - ensuring that your chances with her vis-a-vis the your competitors are higher.

Maybe for doubters, let ask this: If you had a choice between speaking to the woman of your dreams for 30 minutes or sending her a text all day, what would you prefer?

Trust me, many of you would fall for sms. Why? If we are to consider the anatomy of the first flames, you will obviously side with this argument.

When you confront her, express yourself, and she likes you. You call her and she likes talking to you, listens to your stories and even laughs at your jokes.

With that interest in you as the only catch keeping her, how do you keep her wanting more? Or, how do you do so little and yet say so much?

It will definitely call for sms. Do you know what Casanovas used to do? During their time, they wrote poetry and letters.

They communicated with women and the one thing that kept the interest was anticipation of another letter, another sentiment and another word.

Elly Muvunyi, says that messages sent especially during in the night or times of aloneness, keeps the lady’s heart at highs trying to figure out how someone out there is so caring all the time.

"Sms carry the magic of winning somebody’s heart,” he says.

The mind is a wonderful thing. It sees and hears what it wants to hear or see. If a woman likes you, a text message from you will sound like her favourite song.

Text message language does not help with grammar and English but can sometimes be more effective than real words.

With such an explanation and defence from sms experts, it is right to say that those who have used text messages before just need to learn how to depend on them for some more time.

They are the most cost effective way to conquer a woman’s heart at the beginning of a relationship. But this may still be debatable, send me your sms on the topic via my editor’s phone!!
