Health: Management of Bronchial Asthma

World asthma day is coming on 3rd May. It is a day to generate awareness among people regarding asthma. This is necessary for the sufferers as well as their close ones. They should know the nature of the illness and how best to manage it.

Saturday, May 02, 2009
Too much consumption of redmeat may cause intestine cancer.

World asthma day is coming on 3rd May. It is a day to generate awareness among people regarding asthma. This is necessary for the sufferers as well as their close ones. They should know the nature of the illness and how best to manage it.

Asthma is a state of increased sensitivity of the air ways of the lungs. They close due to exposure to certain substances called allergens, which produce allergy in the susceptible individual.

The result is inflammation of   airways of the lungs and narrowing of the big and small air tubes of the lungs   leading to difficulty in breathing.

The inflammation produces increased secretion of mucous from the inner lining of the air ways resulting in cough with expectoration. The secretions are trapped in the air tubes further aggravating the distress.

Asthma is an inherent tendency of the body, therefore one remains susceptible to it throughout his life. With every exposure to the potential allergens like dust, pollens e.t.c. one gets an attack.

Attacks are also precipitated by rains, dampness and cold weather. In view of the chronic, incurable nature of the disease, it is important that people suffering from asthma should be self reliant in managing their problem.

One should know by experience what are the substances provoking an attack and try to avoid them. Common allergy producing substances which can be avoided are cosmetics particularly perfumes.

Regarding food items, protein rich food like eggs, milk products and beans are more likely to produces allergy. Preserved canned food, other fast foods and bottled beverages are likely to provoke asthma because of the chemicals present in them as preservatives, or to add flavor or color.

One can judge very well, what foods are causing allergy. A person can remove an item from his daily food menu for 3 to 4 days and observe. The day he consumes some food causing allergy, he will develop symptoms of asthma. Other days he will be comfortable.

To avoid exposure to dust, spores, e.t.c., the asthmatic should use a scarf or mask to cover nose in situations with likely exposure to dust like travelling. Exposure to cold should be avoided by wearing warm clothes.

Physical and mental stress is also one of the factors which can provoke an attack and should be avoided.  Mental relaxation techniques like meditation are very useful to prevent attacks of asthma.

If after preventive measures one still gets cough and or breathlessness, it is wise to use inhaler immediately. Inhalers are portable hand held devices which supply medicine through inhalation.

Drug when taken by the inhaled route provide relief within 15 to 20 minutes, while when swallowed or taken by the oral route, it takes more than 30 minutes for the action to start and more than one and half hour  for the affected person to get some relief. 

Besides while using medicine by inhaled route, adverse effects produced due to orally taken tablets are avoided.

Bronchodilators (drugs opening the closed air tubes) and steroids ( to reduce inflammation of air tubes produced due to allergy) both are available in inhaler forms.

When somebody experiences the symptoms of asthma, he or she can immediately take 2 puffs, with a gap of 30 seconds apart. When used correctly, one will obtain relief within 10 or 15 minutes.

In chronic asthma also one can use inhalers 2 to 3 times each day. However if the requirement of inhaler exceeds more than 3 to 4 times daily, it is better to take tablets orally as prescribed by a physician.

In case of school going children suffering from asthma, they should be provided with inhaler or drugs to keep with them in school, as they spend more time in school.

School authorities should also be informed about the asthmatic status of the child, so that in case of any problem occurring, child can be provided with first aid immediately.

A person suffering from asthma can have a good quality of life just by following some precautions and keeping himself equipped with medication. 

No way should it be neglected. Crisis of asthma can be life threatening, therefore symptoms should be arrested at the earliest.

The author is a specialist in Internal Medicine