Gen Muganga opens training for Eastern African military staff officers
Monday, August 26, 2024
The RDF Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General MK Mubarakh delivers remarks as he launched the Force Headquarters Staff Officers Training of Trainers Course at the Rwanda Peace Academy (RPA) in Musanze District.

Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Chief of Defence Staff Gen Mubarakh Muganga on Monday, August 26 opened a training of 23 military officers from the Eastern Africa Standby Force member countries, at the Rwanda Peace Academy in Musanze District.

The Force Headquarters Staff Officers Training of Trainers course, running from August 26 to September 6, is an initiative aimed at enhancing the capabilities of military staff officers within the EASF and preparing them for future deployments in the African Union (AU) and EASF-mandated Peace Support Operations.

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The course brought together military personnel from six African nations, namely Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, and Uganda, as well as officers from the EASF Headquarters in Addis Ababa.

"Those likely to be deployed to AU/EASF mandated Peace Support Operations must understand the nature of conflict in Africa, be conversant with the decision-making process, and be familiar with the policies, legal frameworks, and doctrines that underpin their organization,” the Rwandan military chief said.

He noted that the Training of Trainers course was "the surest way to develop internal capacity within our member states and the EASF region.”

Participants follow Gen Muganga's remarks

"It’s a multiplier effect that helps to expand and strengthen the pool of trainers, reducing dependence on external expertise and ensuring a more sustainable form of capacity building,” Muganga said.

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Muganga also highlighted the course&039;s role in enhancing the overall operational readiness of the EASF, contributing to the effectiveness of the African Standby Force in addressing the complex security challenges facing the continent.

"This course is crucial as it will enhance your proficiency in performing staff duties. It will enable you to perform various functions more effectively, professionally, and in an integrated manner, while orienting you to the AU approach to peace support operations,” he said.

Muganga encouraged the participants to share their knowledge and experiences, emphasizing the value of collaboration and learning in such a diverse and dynamic environment.

The opening ceremony was attended by high-ranking officials, including the EASF Force Commander Brigadier General Getachew Ali Mohamed, and Col (Rtd) Jill Rutaremara, Director of the Rwanda Peace Academy.

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The military officers will be trained by seven facilitators, drawn from the African Union, Denmark, Kenya, and Rwanda.

The two-week course is designed to build internal capacity within the EASF region by training future trainers who will, in turn, develop and deliver training to other military personnel.

Mohamed said the training of trainers was important because it contributed to the significance of the EASF as a vital regional security mechanism, designed to respond swiftly and effectively to crises and conflicts across Eastern Africa.

The EASF Force Commander, Brig Gen Getachew Ali MOHAMED

"This course is a key part of building the Force Headquarters' capability. It prepares future trainers for the standby force headquarters staff course, ensuring the EASF remains at the cutting edge of operational readiness,” he said.

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"You will become the force multipliers, ensuring the EASF headquarters remains at the forefront of operational readiness,” Mohamed told the participants.

The training program is designed to equip the military personnel with the necessary skills to serve as trainers within their national forces, enabling them to replicate and multiply the knowledge acquired across the region.

The Lead Facilitator, Col Nathaniels Sosoukpe speaks at the event

Senior officiers and officials pose for a group photo with participants

The two-week course is designed to build internal capacity within the EASF region by training future trainers who will, in turn, develop and deliver training to other military personnel