Murekezi inspects district businesses

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — The Minister of Public Service and Labour, Anastase Murekezi, on Tuesday visited businesses in the Rwamagana District to establish the number of workers they employ.

Saturday, May 02, 2009


RWAMAGANA — The Minister of Public Service and Labour, Anastase Murekezi, on Tuesday visited businesses in the Rwamagana District to establish the number of workers they employ.

The Minister who was received by District Mayor, Valens Ntezirembo, visited Dereva Hotel where he inspected the hotel’s kitchen, toilets and rooms, after which he visited another entrepreneur, Margeritte Bamurigire.

The Minister was informed that the hotel has three categories of rooms and receives many clients who include foreigners and nationals.

At least 2,000 tourists are accommodated at the hotel every year, according to hotel management.

Dereva Hotel has 20 permanent staff and 60 who are on part time employment, while Bamurigire, a local investor in interior designs, has three permanent workers and 10 part time. 

Murekezi, commended the hotel staff, urging them to work with commitment in order to ensure sustainable development.
