The elderly appeal for support

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — Members of cooperatives for the elderly in Kayonza District have appealed to the government and donors to support their poverty eradication initiatives.

Saturday, May 02, 2009


KAYONZA — Members of cooperatives for the elderly in Kayonza District have appealed to the government and donors to support their poverty eradication initiatives.

The 1,861 members drawn from Inyabutatu Sabana and Humura Basheshakanguhe cooperatives made the appeal this week, during a three-day training on running cooperatives.

The group called on local government officials to visit their projects in order to establish their challenges. During the training, participants were briefed on proper financial management among other things.

According to the vice chairman of Forum for Associations and Organisations for the elderly in Rwanda, John Rurangirwa, the training aimed at empowering participants to efficiently run the affairs of their cooperatives.

The official hailed the elderly for forming cooperatives, which are part of the government vehicles to eradicate poverty.

The Chairman of National Itorero, Boniface Rucagu, suggested that the elderly should be members of the national Itorero since they understand its necessity better than the young generation. He urged them to live exemplary lives and exhibit the integrity expected of them.  
