Vivo Energy opens new service station in Nyakabanda
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Stan Mittelman , the Vivo Energy Groupu2019s new Chief Executive Officer delivers remarks . Stan Mittelman , the Vivo Energy Groupu2019s new Chief Executive Officer delivers remarks .
Stan Mittelman , the Vivo Energy Groupu2019s new Chief Executive Officer delivers remarks .

Vivo Energy, which markets and distributes Engen-branded fuel products in Rwanda, has opened a new service station in Nyakabanda, Kigali in a move to increase its retail network and provide more convenience to customers.

The launch will increase Vivo Energy Rwanda’s retail network footprint to more than 40 service stations across the country.

During the launch Saibou Coulibaly the Managing Director of Vivo Energy Rwanda said that, "Over the past three years, Vivo Energy Rwanda has grown to become one of the leaders of the energy industry in Rwanda”

Coulibaly added that the firm’s network has grown organically, doubling the number of service stations since 2020.

New Times New Times

Tens of taxi-moto operators who turn up for filling fuel during the inauguration of the Vivo Energy Rwanda's new service station in Nyakabanda in Kigali on April 27. Photo by Craish Bahizi

The launch of the new service station here in Kigali, and our expansion across the country, are a reflection of the country’s fast economic growth.

Besides, Nyakabanda service station will be the only one in the area having a shop and a lube bay, which will help in satisfying customer needs.

Hans Paulsen, Vivo Energy’s Executive Vice President for East and Southern said; "We want to renew our commitment and testament to the Rwandan market.”

Paulsen added that the firm is constantly looking for investment opportunities, and Rwanda is well positioned to attract more capital flow in the energy sector.

Pushing the boundaries of service, Paulsen added, technology and innovation are what we do, and we strive to be part of our customers’ lives in ways that matter to them.

Vivo Energy Rwanda's worker serves a client during the inauguration of the ENGEN 's new service station in Nyakabanda.

Stan Mittelman, who was making his first visit to Rwanda since taking up his position as the Vivo Energy Group’s new CEO last month concluded: "It is an honour to be here today to celebrate this new service station opening.

 Mittelman added that; "I am particularly glad to be in Rwanda, the country of a thousand hills and a million smiles. Rwanda has inspired the world with its impressive transformation in all sectors of life and business”

He praised Rwanda for its remarkable leadership

"We have seen the country become a global powerhouse, thanks to its remarkable leadership. Vivo Energy is very proud to be associated with Rwanda and part of its growth story.”

Vivo Energy operates and markets 2,400 service stations in 23 countries across Africa.

The Company employs around 2,700 people and has access to over 1,000,000 cubic metres of fuel storage capacity.

The launch will increase Vivo Energy Rwanda’s retail network footprint to more than 40 service stations across the country.

Hans Paulsen, Vivo Energy’s Executive Vice President for East and Southern addresses the event during the inauguration of the station. Craish Bahizi

Stan Mittelman , the Vivo Energy Group’s new Chief Executive Officer cheers with taxi moto operators. Craish Bahizi