FEATURED: Real Contractors’ MD on transformative projects shaping construction landscape in Rwanda
Monday, August 26, 2024
Fred Bugingo, Managing Director of Real Contractors during the interview in Kigali.

Real Contractors Ltd has been behind landmark projects in Rwanda, including the recently inaugurated Amahoro Stadium and the Milk Powder Plant in Nyagatare district in the Eastern Province.

In this conversation, Fred Bugingo, Managing Director of Real Contractors, details some of the transformative projects the company has undertaken and what is in store for the future.

Below are excerpts.

Take us through the work of Real Contractors Ltd.

Real Contractors is a commercial construction company that was established in 2005 and has been in existence for 19 years now. Real Contractors offers a wide range of solutions and services, including commercial high-rise building construction, water projects, power projects, as well as maintenance projects. Our cycle involves maintenance of projects we complete.

What has been Real Contractors Ltd’s approach to maintaining its position as a leading construction company in Rwanda?

Real Contractors has consistently navigated the challenges of operating in a highly volatile market. Despite the instability that has led to the exit of several competitors, Real Contractors has remained resilient and adaptive, ensuring sustained presence and growth in this demanding environment.

Ours has been to focus on innovation, quality, and delivering projects on

time within the client’s budget. That has enhanced our reliability and built trust with our clients. We have also adopted new technologies to ensure that we move with the trends in terms of design and execution of the work that we do.

Reflecting on RCL's 19-year journey, what have been some of the most transformative projects that have shaped the company's legacy?

One of our most notable achievements is the completion of the 45,000-capacity Amahoro Stadium, a project that has become an iconic symbol of our capabilities. Additionally, we have delivered several transformative projects that have significantly impacted the market. A prime example is the recently inaugurated milk powder plant in Nyagatare, a facility that we believe will play a crucial role in bolstering the national economy by improving the livelihoods of farmers and other stakeholders within the agricultural value chain.

Rwanda’s first milk powder factory in Nyagatare District. The over $45 million facility is designed to process 650,000 liters per day. Emmanuel Dushimimana

We also completed the Ekaterra tea factory in Southern Rwanda, a project poised to revolutionise the tea industry in the region. Moreover, we have addressed the scarcity of high-quality bricks in the market by establishing a cutting-edge brick factory, equipped with robotic technology to ensure precision and efficiency.

In the realm of sports infrastructure, we have solidified our position as Rwanda’s leading developer of sports facilities. Our portfolio includes the renovation of Huye Stadium and the Kigali Pelé Stadium in Nyamirambo, alongside the Amahoro Stadium. These projects exemplify our commitment to enhancing the nation's sports infrastructure.

How do you source for a skilled and experienced labour force?

Rwanda’s history presents unique challenges, particularly in developing the necessary talent for key industries. However, the government has made significant strides in addressing this by implementing deliberate initiatives aimed at skill development. These efforts include sending talent abroad for advanced training, as well as fostering local expertise through institutions such as the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs).

At RCL, we have embraced this national priority through our in-house initiative, the Young Professionals Program (YPP). This programme, inspired by our parent company, Crystal Ventures, allows us to onboard and train newly graduated engineers, both from local colleges and the IPRCs, providing them with hands-on experience in their respective fields.

The impact of the YPP has been substantial. Not only have we succeeded in retaining top-quality, skilled talent, but we have also contributed significantly to the broader market by serving as an incubator of talent. Many international companies entering Rwanda have recognised the value of our trained professionals, employing them to support their operations.

How does RCL ensure the integration of sustainable practices in its construction projects, particularly in the context of Rwanda’s environmental goals?

Sustainability has consistently been a fundamental principle in our operations. Our design practices are centred around integrating sustainable solutions for our clients, focusing on power efficiency and the utilisation of recyclable materials. Every aspect, from the materials we use to their sources, is chosen with sustainability in mind.

We are committed to ensuring that our operations do not negatively impact the environment. Historically, timber was a primary material in our processes; however, we have transitioned to using reusable scaffolds, significantly reducing our environmental footprint. This deliberate approach to sustainability not only reflects our corporate responsibility but also aligns closely with Rwanda's sustainability objectives.

As RCL moves forward, what are the company’s strategic goals and how do they align with Rwanda’s broader development goals?

Our strategies are comprehensive and strategically aligned with the country’s development objectives. We are committed to enhancing our operations by incorporating advanced technologies that will elevate the quality of our workmanship. Additionally, we are focused on upskilling our workforce to maintain our competitive edge within the market.

Our expansion plans are twofold: Firstly, we are diversifying our portfolio through strategic partnerships aimed at broadening our service offerings. Secondly, we are prioritising international growth, with a primary focus on markets beyond Rwanda. This objective is already showing promising results, as evidenced by our successful ventures through our parent company, Crystal Ventures.

How is RCL preparing and positioning itself to compete in the regional and international markets?

Through key partnerships with strategic stakeholders to ensure that we are positioned to take on larger markets. Building partnerships for financing will be critical to our expansion plans as well.

What are some of the future projects in the pipeline?

Rwanda is growing at a fast pace, and we are looking to tap into the urbanisation agenda and give solutions in terms of affordable housing.