Parents laud transport arrangement as schools reopen
Monday, April 18, 2022
Students board a bus they go back to school for the third term at Kigali Stadium on April 18

Parents have commended the arrangement of providing the buses for all students from their respective picking points and not bus stations. 

Schools reopened on Monday with students from Kigali boarding their buses from the Kigali Stadium in Nyamirambo to their respective schools.

"Facilitating students in transportation has addressed various challenges the parents or guardians used to encounter during such period,” said Valens Ndazigaruye. 

Ndazigaruye, a parent of two students, was speaking at Kigali Stadium in Nyamirambo where students and pupils had gathered to board buses ahead of the third semester, which will end on July 15.

"Before this arrangement, our children used to get to schools late due to the shortage of transportation or get robbed in bus terminals and the coordination was difficult among other issues,” he added.

In addition, he disclosed that with this system children are now safe among other benefits.

Rene Louis Kayinamura, a student at Kabuga TVET School located in the Kamonyi district, said that as they are starting the last semester of the 2021/2022 academic year pledging to work hard for better results as well as respecting all covid-19 measures.

"Previously, it was difficult for me to get buses to my school…but now I can reach school easily and safely,” he said

Angelique Boneza, Division Manager of Basic Education and TVET Quality Standards in the National Examination and School Inspection Authority (NESA), said that the student turn up was as expected.

Boneza urged everyone involved in this transportation process to do their best to facilitate the students.

On Monday, April 18 students from Kamonyi, Nyanza, Ngororero, Musanze, Rwamagana, and Kayonza Districts started going back to school.

On Tuesday, April 19, students whose schools are located in the Districts of Nyamagabe, Ruhango, Burera, Rubavu, Nyabihu, Gastibo, and Nyagatare will go back to school.

On Wednesday, April 20 students who study in Huye, Muhanga, Rulindo, Gakenke, Karongi, Rutsiro, and Bugesera, will head to their schools.

On Thursday, April 21 students who study in the City of Kigali, and Nyaruguru, Gisagara, Gicumbi, Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Ngoma, and Kirehe districts will go to school as well.