Rwandatel launches ‘door-to-door’ upcountry campaign

In a bid to gain a footing in Rwanda’s  young telecom market, Rwandatel has begun its marketing campaigns by taking their products and creating awareness to their customers upcountry.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Rwandatelu2019s Patrick Kaniringufu. (Photo/ J. Mbanda).

In a bid to gain a footing in Rwanda’s  young telecom market, Rwandatel has begun its marketing campaigns by taking their products and creating awareness to their customers upcountry.

"Yesterday the campaign was in the Eastern Province then it will proceed to the South Province and then other provinces,” Rwandatel’s Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Kariningufu said during an interview with the Business Times.

Kariningufu said that, the campaigns are not only meant for upcountry customers but also customers in Kigali will be reached. In the campaign which they called ‘door-to-door campaign, Rwandatel intends to create awareness to all its clients.

Kariningufu also revealed that the company has invested Rwf45 million this year in upgrading network, training staff and marketing products.

"We signed a contract with a UK based company to upgrade our network. Quality voice and data have been upgraded and the reason is that Rwandatel cares for their clients.” He also stated that Rwandatel’s target of 600,000 subscribers by the end of June still stands and the officials think they will make.

"We are bringing in three new products in the first weeks of May, with these new products coming in, our clients will double. We have 300,000 subscribers now with 280,000 active and generating daily incomes,” Kariningufu added.

Due to the competitiveness in the telecommunication industry in the region, the company also started roaming with other networks.

"We are already roaming with countries like Kenya, Uganda, Burundi; DRC is next week and Tanzania later. Out side the region we are now roaming with Belgium, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom,” he said.

"We have signed a contract with a company called Telecom Italia, it has 400 roaming networks and by June this year we will be able to roam with all these networks,” he disclosed.

Kariningufu also said that the company is targeting to put Rwandatel selling point in every 150 meters from one to another all over the country. He also added that by December this year, Rwandatel will have rolled out 220 working antennas.

"By December, Rwandatel network will be covering the whole country, so the 3G users will be accessing full internet and network coverage.”

Rwandatel is jointly owned by the Social Security Fund of Rwanda (SSFR) and Libyan African Investment Portfolio (LAP Green).
