Prime Minister calls for more effort in the fight against poverty

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, has called upon districts to put more effort in the fight against poverty which he said is still affecting many people in the rural areas.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


RUBAVU — The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, has called upon districts to put more effort in the fight against poverty which he said is still affecting many people in the rural areas.

Makuza was on Tuesday speaking during the evaluation of performance contracts for Western Province districts, after the first quarter of 2009, during which all Mayors in the province showcased their achievements.

According to the assessment, Rutsiro District once again emerged first for the fourth consecutive time, followed by Rubavu, with Karongi coming third followed by Nyamasheke in fourth position.

Rusizi and Ngororero districts came fifth and sixth respectively with Nyabihu district being the least performer.

"It should be a culture for all districts, to set development targets and work hard to achieve them. The districts that have performed poorly should work harder to ensure they are in better positions during the next assessment,” the Prime Minister said, stressing that leaders should focus on poverty eradication.

"The performance contracts should mainly focus on the welfare of the people by offering good governance, promoting steadfast justice for all, working hard towards economic development, all aimed at improving the welfare of Rwandans,” he added.

Present were a number of other government officials who included the Minister of Agriculture, Christophe Bazivamo, of Local Government, Protais Musoni, Education Minister, Daphrose Gahakwa and several Members of Parliament.

Makuza, also called upon district officials to sensitise residents on family planning and cooperative societies, which he said will help them to uplift their livelihoods.

Provincial Governor, Celestin Kabahizi, thanked the districts which performed well, asking those that performed poorly to work harder, not only to attain good positions next time, but to also improve the welfare of residents.

He said poor roads connecting towns to agricultural productive areas remain a big challenge to the province, which makes it hard for farmers to access markets for their products.

He added that smuggling of goods from the neighbouring DR Congo town of Goma, through Lake Kivu, which reduces revenue collection, and encourages mismanagement of funds in some districts are the other challenges.

He however, promised to tackle these challenges, saying strict measures have been instituted to ensure that district officials make proper accountability of the funds.

Kabahize noted that the province expects a decline in coffee production this year due to various coffee diseases that have affected coffee trees, especially in Karongi District.

Meanwhile, after the function, the Prime Minister together with other officials inspected the Rubona Sector site where the government is erecting a Rwanda Television antenna,  which is expected to increase TVR coverage in the province.

The governor assured residents that they will soon be watching Rwanda Television.
