‘Love handles’: Fitness expert on best exercises for stubborn abdominal fat
Sunday, April 10, 2022
u2018Love handlesu2019 are not dangerous in themselves, or anything to be ashamed of. Photo/Net

‘Love handles’ or ‘muffin tops’ may sound cute, but many people around the world struggle to get rid of that excess fat accumulation around the hips and abdominal area. The origin of ‘love handles’ is unclear, but various sources say it was first recorded in the late 60s. Some people believe that the origin of the term is derived from the ability to rest your arms on the fat layer when holding someone close to you. 

According to Medical News Today, a web-based outlet for medical information and news targeted at both the general public and physicians, ‘love handles’ or ‘muffin tops’ occur due to fat retention around the hips and abdominal area. People can try to take measures to minimise ‘love handles’, including regular exercise and maintaining a moderate weight. People may also consider avoiding tight clothing to further reduce the appearance of ‘love handles’.

‘Love handles’ are not dangerous in themselves, or anything to be ashamed of. People do not have to try to remove them if they do not wish to. That said, ‘love handles’ can signal obesity, which may lead to a higher risk of certain conditions, the aforementioned platform states. 

Medicine Net states that fat accumulation is the main reason for people having ‘love handles’. Fat cells accumulate when a person consumes too many calories or burns out very little. Slowly, these become noticeable because they retain around the waist or hips. If the fat cells are targeting the hips and waist, then it may be triggered because of various reasons, including stress which causes too many cortisol hormones to be released into the body.

Aniket Ukey, a fitness consultant at Shivaay Yoga & Fitness, says that ‘love handles’ can be caused by ageing, menopause, hormonal imbalance in women, and andropause (a syndrome associated with a decrease in sexual satisfaction, or a decline in a feeling of general well-being with low levels of testosterone in older men)—also referred to as male menopause. 

Ukey says that women may develop ‘love handles’ due to weight gain after childbirth, and sometimes it might be about one’s body type. 

He adds that ‘love handles’ can be caused due to poor diet, for example, a number of people consume sugary drinks and fast food which contain more calories than the body needs. 

Lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, conditions that lower metabolism (hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid) and genes could also cause ‘love handles’, Ukey adds.

Experts say that medical conditions like hypothyroidism, slipped disc (when a soft cushion of tissue between the bones in your spine pushes out), long post-operation recovery, can lead to weight gain around the abdominal and hip area, hence causing ‘love handles’.

Ukey says that ‘love handles’ may not necessarily pose a huge risk to one’s health, but could be a sign of some chronic illnesses like liver disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, among others. 

How to get rid of ‘love handles’

Ukey says getting rid of ‘love handles’ can be really tricky if one is not consistent. To get rid of them, consistency is key and he shares some exercises to be included in one’s daily routine for positive results, together with a healthy diet.  

Russian twists, he says, require you to sit with your legs stretched in front of you and arms joined ahead of you, lift your legs up off the ground. Now twist your torso from side to side along with your hands, without letting your feet touch the ground. This will help in melting the fat deposited.

"Bicycle crunches are also effective; lie down flat on your back and pull your leg inwards with folded knees and place your hands below your head. Now lift your right leg and try touching your right knee with the left elbow. Make sure you lift your upper body while doing so. Ease back to resting position and repeat the same with the other leg,” he says. 

Ukey also recommends side planks. With this, he notes, you have to lie down on the right side and prop the body up using the right elbow and hand, with the left foot stacked on top of the right foot, raise your hips and buttocks towards the ceiling, hold position for a few seconds and return to the floor, then repeat on the other side. 

Mountain climbers is another exercise, this helps you sweat and tone the core muscles. You can increase your speed as you get stronger. "All you have to do is put both your hands and knees on the floor. Place your right foot near your right hand and extend your left leg behind you. In a levelled motion, change your legs, but keep your arms in the same position. Keep swapping your legs back and forth twice, to make sure that your right leg is close to your right hand.”