RIB: Over 1,200 genocide ideology cases recorded in three years
Thursday, April 07, 2022
A genocide survivoru2019s banana plantations that were cut down by suspects of genocide ideology in Nyagasozi village, Buhoro cell in Ruhango sector ,Ruhango District on 7 April 2020. / Courtesy

Cases related to genocide ideology have been fluctuating in the past three years, according to data from Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB)

Thierry B Murangira, the RIB spokesperson disclosed that the bureau has registered 1,215 genocide ideology and related cases and 1,525 suspects since 2019 until March this year.

The related crimes include genocide denial, minimization of genocide, justification of genocide, violence against a genocide survivor, and disposing of or degrading evidence or information related to genocide.

Stealing or destroying the bodies of the victims of genocide and demolishing, damaging, or desecrating a memorial site or a place where bodies of the victims of genocide are laid to rest.

Murangwa disclosed that in 2019, they received 404 cases. The cases slightly decreased to 377 in 2020 before increasing to 389 cases. As of March this year the bureau had received 45 cases, Murangira said.

According to RIB in 2019 a total of 498 suspects were arrested and the number increased to 512 in 2020 while the number slightly reduced to 457 in 2021 and another 58 detained this year.

Commenting on the nature of such crimes, he said that a huge number of recorded cases were meant to harm genocide survivors and the genocide ideology in general.

Murangira pointed out that certainly, the intensity of such crimes has been reducing but there is a need to fight and eradicate such crimes.

"We all know that unity is among the pillar this country built upon and genocide ideologies and related crimes looks to destroy the element of that unity that’s why no one should commit or support such crimes,” he noted

Commenting on a general message, Murangira warns against Genocide ideology as well as all related crimes as Rwandan remember their loved ones.

 "People must always fight genocide ideology not only within 100 days or week of commemoration,” he said, issuing a warning to social media users, especially YouTubers to be cautious and mindful of the content they relay.