Good work habits that will make you stand out
Tuesday, April 05, 2022

You probably hold two Bachelors’ and a Masters’ degree; and your CV is pretty heavy due to your work experience. Well, congratulations! But there is more to succeeding in any workplace beyond academic excellence.

Great workers are noticed by their traits, not papers alone. There is no doubt that workers who do their work uniquely, usually stick out from the rest. With daily work, home and social stress, it’s possible to carry the burden to work, a thing that may ruin your work or how you relate with others.

But some employees have sought means to sweep their stress under the carpet and kept a positive attitude, and even delivered or completed their assignments in time. Handling stress is a habit a number of employees should have.

Good work ethics are known to craft great relationships. Net photo.

Otherwise, it’s hard to concentrate on work when your stress levels are high; perhaps mistakes and an unhealthy mood are bound to kick in.

Good work ethics are known to craft great relationships, and enable workers to have a satisfying job.

According to Jean Pierre Gahigi, a communications specialist in Kigali, great employees are those who allow others to count on them, for instance; they share ideas, and knowledge with others to see them improve in their careers.

"They are not selfish, that’s why they would do what it takes to be helpful to others and are a call away in case any assistance is needed on a project.”

He mentions that sometimes all it takes is proper planning for the day, listing the things to be done, so as not to miss out on anything on the to-do list.

To him, many people forget to highlight the important tasks or activities to fulfil throughout the day, thus ending up disorganised.

Gahigi carries on that you ought to be willing to learn from others, regardless of how long you have spent in the company or learned, because no one knows it all.

"People who receive positive feedback from their managers are more likely to do better than those who don’t take in such feedback positively. There is no harm in knowing your mistakes or areas that require improvement. Some employees are not good at acknowledging the fact that their mistake is highlighted for their own good, a thing that hinders them to improve,” he states.

The ability to avoid distraction is an important conduct that most people lack. Some people have mastered the art of ignoring anything that isn’t necessary, though others can’t, especially when it comes to noise, says Irene Imbabazi, a business woman.

She notes that there is a possibility of missing out on important crucial morning hours due to distraction. However, she advises finding a comfortable work space, taking breaks or using headsets to listen to music, because failure to find a solution can block you from focusing on your work.

Imbabazi explains that having the ability to learn new skills is a must-have virtue. Although some people get comfortable at their jobs due to a good pay and the skills that resulted in scooping them the job, one needs to keep learning new things often-that’s how to compete for better opportunities.

She adds that workers should respect deadlines whether their managers follow up on them or not, because it is one of the ways to prove to your supervisor that you’re accountable and respect your work.

Imbabazi heartens employees to minimise getting carried away by social media as it can distract them from concentrating on productive work.

Several studies have stated that physical exercise is one of the essential work habits you need if you want to be healthier and live a happier life as it assists to achieve quality sleep, optimised memory, mental alertness, and better concentration.