Exercise: Don’t be afraid to lift weights
Sunday, April 03, 2022
Intimidation to lift weights is usually due to a fear of getting hurt. Photo/Net

When you think of weight lifting, the first thing that may cross your mind is gaining muscle mass, which is the last thing many want, especially women.

However, this is not the case as experts in this capacity affirm that compared to men, it is difficult for women to gain muscle mass because of the female genetic make-up and the hormone oestrogen.

It’s also normal to find that one would prefer staying away from lifting heavy weights because of the pain and the soreness that comes with it, and prefer to stick to regular exercises. Although other exercises have their own place in workout plans, experts say avoiding weights is not a solution if one is looking for a long-term fitness plan.  When a person lifts weights, the training is called weight training. It is a type of strength training in which weights are used for resistance.

Stress is created on the muscles either using free weights or by using machines on which weights are loaded. 

Theogene Bugirimfura, a fitness trainer and coach in Kigali, says one can choose the weight which they are comfortable with, noting that beginners should start with light weights. 

He says that it’s ideal to understand that when people talk of lifting weights, you do not need to lift heavy weights literally.

Instead, he points out that one can go for lighter weights and still achieve their personal goals as it all depends on how one plans their exercise routine.

Bugirimfura says selecting the right weight depends on different factors such as your goal, level of fitness, and the amount of time you have.

As a beginner, the renowned coach says one should first get the form of their exercise correctly, and then switch to heavyweights.

The benefits

Sandrine Twagiramariya, another fitness coach in Kigali, says lifting heavy weights can help increase your muscular strength, especially for women.

This, she says, means that the daily tasks will just get easier to perform. It will also increase mind-body coordination. Hence, lifting heavy weights will benefit you not just now but also in the long term.

She goes on to explain that using muscles is extremely important for optimal health. While lifting weights and exercising can certainly help one look better as well.

She says that heavyweights help increase the power and strength of muscles without significantly adding bulk or size, especially for women.

"This means that everyday physical tasks get easier, and consistent training will increase the amount of weight one can lift, thus making them stronger,” Twagiramariya adds.

Well-known fitness coach Nelson Mukasa says lifting heavy weights for the full range can help improve flexibility, and that too for the long-term. 

He says that stretching the same muscle group after the workout also helps in improving the flexibility of that particular muscle.

Mukasa says it has been established that heavy weight lifting will help strengthen your bones and connective tissues and reduce symptoms of arthritis and back pain.

This will also decrease one’s risk of injury while performing daily activities like lifting a bucket and moving furniture.

Besides, he says, it’s well known that lifting heavy weights will help fight age-related issues in both men and women.

 "Regularly lifting heavy weights will reduce the age-related loss of muscle mass. Also, it will help in preventing other conditions that come with old age,” he says.

Bugirimfura says lifting heavy weights improves stamina and endurance, and that resistance exercises and heavy weight lifting have proven to improve cardiovascular function.

Studies have also shown that lifting heavy weights boosts self-confidence and also helps fight depression and anxiety. It will also release happy hormones that will keep you fresh the entire day.