The Red Sky: When the heavens fought for Raya and her village
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Raya. She was a very beautiful girl with good manners, and was loved by all people in her village.

Her home was one of the many others that surrounded this peaceful town. It was a happy and peaceful village; people always had food, they did everything together and lived in harmony with each other.

But one day, an evil witch came and turned the sky red. She came with ghosts and monsters and attacked the village. But first, the witch went for Raya.

Raya was a prayerful girl and the witch understood that if she was going to defeat the village, she had to attack Raya first.

But Raya was surrounded by angels and all the spirits from heaven.

At that point, the ghosts and monsters had started attacking people from their houses, chasing and killing them.

That is when Raya knew it was time to fight back. She asked the angels and spirits to help her fight with the monsters and ghosts.

When the witch got to know that Raya had started fighting with her monsters and ghosts, she brought in more monsters to attack, but Raya was very strong and way powerful than the monsters.

All of a sudden, Raya was surrounded by a light; a light that was so strong that it fought off and completely destroyed the monsters and ghosts.  The witch got very very angry with Raya but couldn’t do anything because her spell was expelled.

The witch went away and the village returned to its happy and peaceful living.

The writer is a pupil at Kigali Parents’ School