PHOTOS: PM Ngirente tips youth on civic responsibility, warns against drugs
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente presided over the closing ceremony of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme on Thursday, August 22, 2024.Courtesy

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente on Thursday, August 22, 2024, presided over the completion of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme, known as Itorero, urging youth to stay away from drugs to meet the expectations of their country and families.

The event, which saw 494 young Rwandans complete military and civic training, took place at the National Ubutore Development Centre in Nkumba, Burera District. The ceremony was attended by government officials, parents, and friends of the graduates.

In his address, Ngirente conveyed a message of gratitude from President Paul Kagame to the trainees and their parents.

"He sent me to thank you for agreeing to send your children to participate in this training. If you hadn't supported them, they wouldn't be here," Ngirente said.

ALSO READ: Kagame calls on youth to uphold Rwandan values

The Prime Minister also encouraged other parents to consider enrolling their children in the civic education programme, highlighting the positive impact it has on participants. He emphasized that the reintroduction of Itorero was part of Rwanda&039;s strategy to foster national values.

Ngirente reminded the trainees that the skills and knowledge they gained from the programme should complement their formal education and family upbringing, enabling them to contribute to their personal growth and the nation's development.

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente delivers remarks during the closing of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme on Thursday, August 22, 2024.Courtesy

The event featured a variety of activities, including a parade, martial arts demonstrations, cultural dance performances, and pledges by the participants, known as Intore. Ngirente urged the youth to join forces with previous graduates in defending Rwanda's image against negative narratives.

ALSO READ: Meet the young lady commanding Itorero Indangamirwa’s military parade

Echoing the pledges made by the trainees, the Prime Minister emphasized that with rights such as education, security, and well-being, come responsibilities.

"The first responsibility, which is even simple, is maintaining discipline and abstaining from drugs. We call on all Rwandan youth to stay away from drugs," he stressed.

Ngirente also highlighted the government&039;s commitment to fostering a healthy youth, encouraging them to engage in sports and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. "Finally, you must work hard. Avoiding drugs and alcohol is not enough if you do not work hard," he added.

The Indangamirwa programme brings together young Rwandans aged 18-25 who live and study abroad, those who completed studies in international schools in Rwanda, high-achieving students, and youth leaders.

ALSO READ: Youth urged to uphold Rwandan values

Minister of National Unity and Civic Engagement (MINUBUMWE), Dr. Jean-Damascène Bizimana, noted that this year&039;s edition was the second to be held at the National Ubutore Development Centre, following the first 12 editions held in Gabiro.

"After the establishment of MINUBUMWE, we sought to host the training at Nkumba, starting last year in 2023," Bizimana said.

The closing ceremony of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme on Thursday, August 22, 2024.Courtesy

Bizimana also highlighted infrastructural improvements at the center, guided by President Kagame's directives.

ALSO READ: Strive to give back to your country, Kagame tells Itorero youth

"This year, we constructed tarmac roads to provide the trainees with dust-free jogging paths and added security measures, including affordable fencing around the center," he said.

He further mentioned that the center has created employment opportunities for local residents, helping them understand the activities conducted at the facility. Bizimana detailed the training, which included basic military instruction, civic education through 15 lectures, study trips, physical exercises, traditional dance, and lessons on proper Kinyarwanda language use.

Additionally, Bizimana announced that out of the 494 trainees, 484 were first-time voters who had the opportunity to cast their votes while in training. Furthermore, 213 participants were awarded scholarships to pursue higher education.

"The training helped the youth understand Rwanda&039;s history, the sacrifices made to achieve the current progress, and their role in continuing the nation's development and safeguarding its achievements," Bizimana emphasized.

Indangamirwa, initiated by President Kagame in 2008, has trained 5,118 young Rwandans to date.

Trainee Experiences

Jessie Dierra Tesa, one of the trainees, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to learn military skills and demonstrate them at the event. Studying abroad, Tesa shared that the programme instilled discipline and the ability to adhere to schedules.

"When I return to college, I believe I will have the discipline to wake up early, work out, attend classes, and study effectively," she said.

Able Manzi, another trainee, highlighted the endurance and cultural knowledge he gained from the programme.

"We underwent rigorous physical exercises and military training, and we learned a lot about our Rwandan culture," Manzi said and also mentioned learning valuable lessons from State Minister in charge of Regional Cooperation, Gen (Rtd) James Kabarebe, particularly about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Participants of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme during a parade at the closing event on Thursday, August 22.
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente follows a presentation during the closing ceremony
The closing ceremony of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme on Thursday, August 22, 2024.Courtesy
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente presided over the closing ceremony of the 14th Indangamirwa Civic Education Programme on Thursday, August 22, 2024.Courtesy