PSF trains 40 on corporate restructuring

The Private Sector Federation (PSF) of Rwanda finished a training program, on corporate restructuring and supply chain management where 40 companies from different sectors participated.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Private Sector Federation (PSF) of Rwanda finished a training program, on corporate restructuring and supply chain management where 40 companies from different sectors participated.

The objective of the training which ended last week was to create a comprehensive understanding of the process of enterprise restructuring and turnaround in the context of economic transition.

Corporate restructuring is the way government improves the performance of the undertakings while retaining public ownership.

The two day training workshop was carried out at Laico hotel Umubano and facilitated by Prof. Dr. Jayashankar from Maastricht School of Management of The Netherlands.

"This is one of the capacity building programmes for PSF and it is critical at this stage amidst the global economic meltdown,” said PSF’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Emmanuel Hategeka.

The training was aimed at creating a comprehensive understanding of the process of enterprise restructuring and turnaround in the context of economic transition which include its rationale and justification, the main mechanisms of restructuring, privatisation and turnaround.

It is also believed that enhancing the participant’s awareness of the rationale for and the key components of the restructuring process, and clarifying the different options available, the program will improve their capabilities to design and implement restructuring programmes.

Last year, PSF also trained staff from 50 different companies in a partnership with Harvard School of Business. It also conducted ten days of training for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The supply chain management is being regarded as a strategic competitive weapon at the global, macro, sectoral and enterprise levels.
