How to serve others

It is a common mentality that we should be served and not serve. This is an unfortunate way of thinking which we should delete from the folder in our heads. Look around you, what do you see? You see all kinds of people for example the rich; the poor; street urchins and many other people from different walks of life.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
(L- R): Murenzi, Rev. Agnes, Matron and Speciose.

It is a common mentality that we should be served and not serve. This is an unfortunate way of thinking which we should delete from the folder in our heads. Look around you, what do you see?

You see all kinds of people for example the rich; the poor; street urchins and many other people from different walks of life. My question is how do you help those people who seem to be in more ‘trouble’ than you?

I mean we have classes of life and I am talking of the class of people who are in desperate need of everything. We all have needs but look at the beggars on the streets, the people affected by Genocide both the young and the old, what can you do?

You are working, you get a salary and we have someone who is not earning anything and he or she has no source of income and one gets scared of the next day because of the agony they will go through again.

Consider an example like Mother Teresa who lived and worked among the poor. She prayed and served them with dedication all her life. When she died many people cried and turned up for the funeral.

She will forever be remembered for the important role she played towards humanity. Let us emulate good people like Mother Teresa. Let us walk the talk but not talk the walk.