Career benefits of being multi-lingual
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Being able to speak more than one language has always been a skill that builds resumes.

Companies often look for people who are able to speak a language that is current on the market, but when a candidate is even able to speak more than one language, it becomes an added benefit.

Not only does having the capability to speak a lot of languages make you a potential candidate, it also brings numerous opportunities for your career.

Academic Gates, a platform for students shows that speaking numerous languages can be rewarding and fun. It can also open up immense opportunities for career growth. This is because the world is now more interconnected than ever due to the Internet.

Learning a new language is an invaluable skill you should look to attain during your free time. By being bilingual or multi-lingual, you may gain a competitive advantage and help you stand out to your employers and company stakeholders. This may propel your career growth and consequently boost you towards financial freedom.

Jean Mulisa who offers independent English courses says that it is really a great thing when a person makes it a priority to learn many languages because the doors to opportunities are always open for them.

"A lot of people prefer learning English only and opt out French because it is hard, or because they think it won’t be necessary for their careers. But when a person notices that you have a notion on different languages, they see potential in you. They know you are able to express yourself in different languages and also that you will be able to represent the company or organisation to even other levels,” he says.

A person who wants to learn many languages is not lazy, and that is a person who can build strong connections for themselves in their career, Mulisa says.

Alliance Umurungi who works as a secretary for a private notary, says that learning a lot of languages has brought many benefits to her line of work.

"When I was in high school, I was always fascinated by languages and made sure I learned many of them. I so far know 5 languages; English, Spanish, French, Kiswahili, and Kinyarwanda.”

She says she learned the languages not knowing that one day they will be her source of income. "Sometimes I get hired as a translator for big companies and for people around the world just because someone who once heard me speaking a certain language recommended me. I have experienced what knowing languages can get you and I am planning to learn more,” she says.

Allan Muhoza who works with Skat Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development, an independent resource centre and consultancy working in the fields of development and humanitarian aid, says that knowing a lot of languages is appealing to firms who also wish to expand their services to further countries.

"Recruitments come to you without you looking out for them, people are willing to offer you jobs because they know where you will take their company,” he says.

Muhoza also adds that it is a professional skill that everyone needs. Some people think it is snobbish to learn a lot of languages but it is actually a desired skill.

The benefits

Combining information from Forbes Magazine and Academic Gates,’ here are three ways the power of language can propel growth in unexpected ways:

Being bilingual could encourage productivity and multitasking. Learning languages causes the brain to multi-task naturally as it toggles between translating, speaking, and listening. This busy work can increase the capacity for other cognitive functions and forge new neural pathways or connections.

Speaking another language can inspire creativity and better communication. While knowing another language can help learners better connect with co-workers and customers, that’s not the only communication benefit being multilingual can have. The act of speaking another language could cause learners to delve deeper into their native speech, searching for similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

Your CV will stand out. The job market is crowded. This means the competition for the few available jobs is fierce. One effective strategy is to outdo other suitable applicants who may possess similar skills and experience. You can do this by stating in your CV that you understand a second language.

Create job opportunities. Because today's world is a global village, corporations and companies are searching for bilingual or multilingual professionals. This trend is evident in numerous industries, including banking, sales, retail, administration, and law.