Sensitization on Swine Flu good for Rwandans

Editor, The New Times reported that the government has taken steps against Swine Flu and that Rwandans were being educated about swine flue and what the government has in plan to resolve the epidemic, in case it appears in Rwanda.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The New Times reported that the government has taken steps against Swine Flu and that Rwandans were being educated about swine flue and what the government has in plan to resolve the epidemic, in case it appears in Rwanda.

Precautions and education about Swine Flu is important because we have been in total darkness about the disease and some how thought it was only a problem to Mexico and America.

Also disclosing the symptoms and the signs will help Rwandans identify any possible infections at an early stage before it spreads in case Swine Flu gets to Rwanda.

And the issue of providing information at the borders and national airport will also increase people’s awareness and concern on the disease.

If people are informed  about such epidemics early, the death toll is reduced.People get more concerned about symptoms and whether the people they relate with have them. This lowers infection.
