Twahirwa elected as head of Handball Federation
Saturday, March 05, 2022
Alfred Twahirwa.

Members of Rwanda Handball Federation have backed Alfred Twahirwa to become their new president of the body’s executive committee, a new assignment he assumes on a four-year term. 

Twahirwa was the sole candidate on the presidency list during the elections which were on the agenda of the federation’s general assembly held on Saturday, March 5, 

He won the elections unopposed after he gathered 42 votes from all the 42 members of the federation who were allowed to vote. 

Twahirwa will be assisted by Dr Joseph Akumuntu who was elected vice-president while Dominique Masengesho was elected second vice-president.

Meanwhile, Pascal Tuyisenge became the federation’s Secretary General, a position that was previously held by Twahirwa.